Main Differences Between LAMP and MEAN

by georgebass

Which one is better? And what are the main differences between them? Let's address these questions right away.

This brief post is intended to those of you who, for one reason or another, are currently working in a Web-related role. Whether you are a SEO consultant, SEM professional, Community Manager, UI Designer, or someone who works on the Internet for a living, this post is for you. Stay curious!

Have you ever heard about MEAN and LAMP? I'm sure you have. Both are web development stacks that allow software programmers to build powerful apps. They are standards in the web development industry, so, chances are that you have to deal with MEAN or LAMP developers at work.

But which one is better? And what are the main differences between them? Let's address these questions right away.

If you're working in a Web-related role, this post is for you
If you're working in a Web-related ro...

MEAN Stack

Stands for:


  • It is super-duper fast! MEAN's event-oriented paradigm is definitely the perfect solution for high-demand websites.
  • The most interesting Silicon Valley startups use MEAN.
  • Every single line of code is written in the same programming language, JavaScript, which makes developers' lives easier.
  • Can handle real-time data in an efficient way.


  • It's not as mature and stable as LAMP.
  • Is the new kid on the block in the web development arena, so it is not uncommon to find that a particular Node.js library won't work 100 percent as expected. Things tend to break easily on a MEAN environment than on LAMP.
  • In fact, the JavaScript ecosystem is so fast-paced that some MEAN developers suffer from the so-called JavaScript fatigue. They must constantly learn to use new libraries and implement fresh programming paradigms — AngularJS 1, AngularJS 2, ReactJS, and so on. The problem is that such stuff becomes quickly deprecated.
  • The event-oriented paradigm is not always the way to go for creating web applications.
Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons

LAMP Stack

Stands for:


  • Is widely documented.
  • Is mature and stable.
  • PHP, Python and Perl are based on the same Object Oriented principles as Java, C++, Swift and many other modern OOP programming languages.
  • The community of LAMP developers is huge.
  • PHP is the most widely used web programming language. It is estimated that about 80 percent of all websites worldwide are running PHP — WordPress, a free software CMS entirely written in PHP, powers about 25% of the Web.
  • It works.


  • It isn't certainly trendy.
  • Isn't as fast as MEAN.
  • LAMP applications can't efficiently handle real-time data.

Which One Should You Choose?

MEAN is mostly used in startups with millions of users. You know, startups like Facebook and Instagram love to be pioneers by using — and creating — cutting-edge technology. They have money and can assume the risk of breaking things. So if you are a Silicon Valley fan, go for MEAN.


On the other hand, LAMP is the right choice for medium-sized companies and freelancers who need things to get done quickly.


Who will win the battle? Well, let me say there's no battle at all! This is a question of personal preference. In my opinion, both LAMP and MEAN will coexist in the future because they complement each other well. There are things that can't be done with LAMP, and vice versa. If I personally had to pick one over the other, I would choose LAMP.

Which Do You Like Better, LAMP or MEAN?

Updated: 09/13/2016, georgebass
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DerdriuMarriner on 09/06/2022

The LAMP Stack Pros subheading describes PHP as, along with Perl and Python, "based on the same Object Oriented principles as Java, C++, Swift and many other modern OOP programming languages."

Would it not seem logical that Perl, PHP and Python should be sharing a three-way split -- because of their commonality in their quality Object-Oriented principles base -- of websites run worldwide instead of PHP running just short of two-thirds?

DerdriuMarriner on 09/06/2022

The LAMP Stack Pros subheading describes PHP as, along with Perl and Python, "based on the same Object Oriented principles as Java, C++, Swift and many other modern OOP programming languages."

So why would Perl and Python not be claiming a bigger share (than whatever they have of the 20 percent not running PHP) of websites worldwide?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/20/2022

The computer crashed before I could ask the other part of my question about LAMP Stack Pros the other day.

The LAMP Stack Pros subheading indicates that "PHP is the most widely used web programming language. It is estimated that about 80 percent of all websites worldwide are running PHP."

What would the other 20 percent not running PHP be running?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/18/2022

Your paragraph on Pros under LAMP Stack indicates that "WordPress, a free software CMS entirely written in PHP, powers about 25% of the Web."

What powers the other 75%?

DerdriuMarriner on 07/26/2022

LAMP and MEAN each have attractive, compelling advantages. And yet they each hold onto some inconvenient, significant disadvantages, such as LAMP's discomfort over real-time data and speedier speeds and MEAN's breakdowns and speediness.

Is it possible that a third web development stack will emerge to nudge "new kid on the block" appeal and status away from MEAN?

DerdriuMarriner on 07/19/2022

You describe a LAMP advantage as including PHP, "the most widely used web programming language. It is estimated that about 80 percent of all websites worldwide are running PHP — WordPress, a free software CMS entirely written in PHP, powers about 25% of the Web."

Why would it be that, with the above-mentioned statistics, LAMP has not overcome the restrictions -- such as non-efficient real-time data-handling approaches, non-speed and non-trendiness -- that it has?

DerdriuMarriner on 07/07/2022

You describe as MEAN disadvantages that "it is not uncommon to find that a particular Node.js library won't work 100 percent as expected. Things tend to break easily on a MEAN environment than on LAMP."

How expensive, how onerous, how time-consuming is the fixer-upper? How much for how long is the guarantee for the fixer-uppering?

DerdriuMarriner on 05/07/2022

Revisiting your wizzley called to mind what I'd meant to stop back about after the first reading and my first shared reactions below.

How easy is it to transition from LAMP to MEAN or vice versa?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/27/2017

GeorgeBass, Thank you for the clear listing of advantages and disadvantages to LAMP and MEAN. Will MEAN developers always suffer from JavaScript fatigue, or is it possible that hanging in there long enough will give sufficient catch-up time? Will real-time applications, speed and trendiness return to LAMP?

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