Making a Living Online - My Journey

by Natasha

Making a living online is completely possible. All you need is patience, dedication and a willingness to learn. Here's my story of how I make a living online

Let's Start With an Introduction

Hi there.  My name is Natasha, fun-loving and ambitious girl.  I hold a business management degree but quit my job last year to work full time online.  Now I am an online writer and internet marketer.  You can find me on all major content publishing platforms like Hubpages, Infobarrel, Xobba, Thisisfreelance, Excerptz and ofcourse Wizzley.  I also own and manage dozens of sites.  This is all I can think of about me, to know the rest we would have to chat and interact and honestly I would love to do that.

December 3rd 2009 - My First Date With The Internet

Many of you would find it hard to believe but it's true.  It was on December 3rd 2009 when I first used a computer with an internet.  I was born and brought up in a remote village of Rajasthan, it lacked in all technological advancement and even the computer class were conducted only once a year.  Anyways, after 12th grade my parents decided to send me to Mumbai (Bombay) for further education.  It was here, when I first used the internet on my brother's laptop for some project work.  I was so thrilled.  Honestly, I immediately fell in love with it. I asked my brother what sites I should visit(Basically wanted to know sites which would improve my english)  and it was he who introduced me to Hubpages (I signed up for hubpages on 5th december 2011) and this is where my make money online journey started.  

Overcoming My English Language Barrier

As I did all my schooling in a small village, my English was very poor.  I could barely speak and read.  This was the biggest challenge I faced when I came to Mumbai.  All my lectures used to be in English and I would have a hard time understanding what the professor said.  So I signed up for the English tutorial in college and also started reading English newspapers as recommended by my professor.  My brother suggested me that I should join Hubpages as writing there would help me and so I did.  And it really proved to be very useful.

 Whenever I would publish an article, experience hubbers would read and critique my article.  That constructive criticism really helped me improve.  Also, the first 60 day challenge launched by Sunforged on Hubpages was remarkably helpful.  The team members would read my hubs and let me know if my article has any glaring typos, grammar mistake or mistake in sentence construction.  Getting my hubs reviewed by professional freelancers and online writers was tremendously helpful. 

It has been two years now and I do feel comfortable now writing in English.  But I am still learning and I know there is still a scope for improvement.  

Decision to Work Full Time Online

Last December, I decided to quit my job and work full time online.  I am glad I made that decision because now I can choose my own work timings, no need to ask to boss for leaves and can go on vacation anytime I wish to.  Though the first Panda update almost made me join my job again, but glad I had few sites that did really well and now I make sure that I build lot of sites and diversify so that if one site is penalized I can rely on other sites.  Working online is quite a thrill and I am enjoying it thoroughly.  

Joshua Gallagher (Sunforged)

If you want to make money online, there can be no better mentor than Sunforged (Joshua Gallagher).  He made me understand all the vital concepts I needed to know to make money online and he was always there to motivate me.  He made me believe that I could do it.  Also, I really admire his patience especially with me as I have bombarded him with questions and he has always answered them patiently and promptly.

If it were not for him, I would have never decided to quit my job and work full time online.  He is a voice of reason and is extremely helpful.  He has written many helpful tutorials for online writers which are worth reading and bookmarking. Joshua if you are reading this, I just want to say that I really owe it to you and Shari for all my success.  Thanks for being there for me always.

Shari (Wavegirl22)

Shari (wavegirl22 on hubpages) is another person that I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart.  Extremely talented, Shari has taught me how to make article more attractive and has really helped me with the design part.  Infact, she has designed many a custom dividers for me to use in articles.

I call her my online mom.  she is my emotional support and is always there for me when I need her.  If it weren't for her, I would have lost myself in this solitary online world.  Thank you Shari for always being there.

Take a look at some of her beautiful hubs below:

Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy Every Time

"Web Copy That Sells" presents copy strategies that have been proven time and again in the e-commerce arena. Maria Veloso, perhaps the most widely acclaimed Web copywriter in ...

$17.93  $13.96
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)

More than 100 pages of new, cutting-edge content. Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan–there is no need to wait and every reason not to, ...

$15.89  $5.48

Final Note....

I guess I have written everything and please bear with me if this page seems long or inconsistent at places.  All I would want to say that no matter what your goals are, never lose hope and keep working hard and smart.  In the end, you will always achieve what you desired.  Trust me on this.

Updated: 12/27/2011, Natasha
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Comments On Making a Living Online - My Journey

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Mira on 11/08/2014

Congrats and all the best to you! I hope you come back to write on Wizzley more often ;-)

SharileeShares on 05/14/2012

It's great to hear about your success and how you were willing to listen to others to find success. Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing.

tribute_to_erasmus on 04/23/2012

Congratulations on your accomplishments!

Natasha on 04/02/2012

Thanks so much Realhousewife for your kind words..

RealHousewife on 04/01/2012

Amazing accomplishments! You have come a long way in a very short time:) Clever - resourceful - I admire that a lot!

terrilorah on 03/25/2012

This is a great story and fantastic journey for you. I love wizzley and look forward to reading more of your aritcles.

Natasha on 02/15/2012

Thanks so much. Really appreciate your wishes.

bhthanks on 02/15/2012

Natasha, what an amazing Journey! To think that a couple of years ago, you barely knew English and had no internet access, and you've accomplished so much online in such a short amount of time! Congratulations!

Natasha on 02/15/2012

It is always good to keep your feet firmly rooted to the ground. And Joshua definitely is a very helpful hubber. He has helped me a lot as did Shari.

And your journey is a very inspiring one. Really shows how dedication and persistence is required if you are to succeed online. And you are definitely a known face, I have read few of your relationship and entertainment articles and they were awesome.

And wow you a guest blogger to a bollywood celebrity. Awesome. WOndering who could that possibly be. Mind spilling the beans?

Anamika on 02/15/2012

Wow! Many people forget where they started and who helped them or give credit to them. But definitely you are not one. I do not know much about Wavegirl but Joshua is a very helpful Hubber as far as I know though I have never taken any assistance from him. As far as my own online journey is concerned, I had no mentor and I learned by trial and error. I had a networking site and I used to blog on Blogger before I found HubPages. I had some amount of success already when I started writing on HubPages which is now one of my major sources of income. I learned a lot through the site and I got many private clients because of my writings on HubPages. I did not limit my writing to HubPages alone and wrote in many other sites too as I believed in not putting all the eggs in one basket. Now I am a known face in many niches and also is a Ghost Blogger to a famous Bollywood Celebrity for whom I do PR apart from handling Blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts. I also deal with some TV Stars and without HubPages I don't think it would have been possible.

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