My Successful Search for Edible Landscaping

by Always-Writing

Many years ago, I went on a quest to find the best edible landscaping for Florida. My search brought me to face-to-face with the Moringa tree, and I have loved it, ever since.

In the United States, many of us have room to grow a lot of edible plants, but it seems that most people utilize that space to grow grass. Now, I am fond of a lovely yard, but there is only so much grass one can eat!

Years ago, I decided to maximize our growing space by planting edible landscaping. It made sense to me, to search for plants that would provide the most nourishment, in the smallest amount of space, so I narrowed my selections down to a very few plants.

A few hard winters where I live in Florida, determined the results of my quest for me. I lost almost all of the edible landscaping I had lovingly planted; except my Moringa trees.

Moringa IS My Edible Landscaping!

The healthy green leaves surround my home
My Favorite Edible Landscaping
My Favorite Edible Landscaping

Why I Chose Moringa

Moringa's nutrients swayed me, and so did the weather!

When I was decided to embark on a new project - planting edible landscaping - I envisioned our backyard simply teeming with edible plant life. I researched the nutritional benefits of many plants that are edible; fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and tubers, and decided that Moringa packed the largest amount of nutrients into the smallest serving amount.

Not intending to narrow my "garden" down to one or two edibles, I went on a veritable planting spree. I planted Lychee trees, cranberry hibiscus, chocolate sapote, mamey sapote, peanut butter fruit, honeybell bushes, mango, avocado, and jackfruit. My enthusiasm knew no bounds.

My backyard was teeming with greenery, and then...we had temperatures here in Florida that hit 28°F. Most of my seedlings and young bushes succumbed to the cold. I could have cried!

When all was said and done, and the spring graced us with warmth and sunshine, the only things I had planted that survived, were my Moringa trees!

Moringa Buds and Blossoms on a Young Seedling

Here in Florida, they bloom fast!
Some of my Moringa buds and blossoms
Some of my Moringa buds and blossoms

Why I am so Enthusiastic about Moringa

...there are so many reasons

First of all, I was not born with a green thumb. In the past, every spring I would purchase a lot of plants. I bought marigolds, and petunias, and hyacinths, and packets of flower and vegetable seeds. The potted plants were diligently planted, the seeds were lovingly sown.

Within a matter of weeks, the gorgeous potted plants were showing signs of desertion, and the seeds decided that it really WAS nice and cozy in the ground, so - why poke your heads up into the hot sun? My efforts were futile - I felt frustrated - the entire enterprise was not frugal, and I gave up.

In subsequent years - oh,yes! I did it more than once - the potted plants got so smart, that they took a look at the home they were being taken to, and gave up the ghost right in the car! Needless to say, I was mortified, and had to cancel my speaking engagements at the local garden club.

When I planted my first Moringa seeds - they sprouted! The seedlings grew, and grew, and grew!

Hence, you will understand the first reason listed, below, about why I am so enthusiastic:

  1. I can grow Moringa
  2. The taste is like no other green leaves I have eaten
  3. It is a simple matter to collect enough for several servings
  4. The plants stay clean, and the leaves barely need rinsing
  5. For the most part, insects leave them alone
  6. They grow so fast it is hard to believe
  7. The nutrients packed into their little leaves are sufficient to sustain life
  8. In just the leaves, all of our 8 essential amino acids exist
  9. They do not spread out and choke out other plants
  10. In a few months, they put out pods and I have new Moringa seeds

These are merely a few of the reasons that I have a love affair with Moringa. I could write a book or two about it, but some other people have done a great job of that, so I'll just point you in their direction!


Some of My Favorite Books about My Beloved Moringa

I think it is one of the most valuable plants in the world!
The Moringa Consumer Awareness Guide: Everything you need to know about moringa but didn't know t...

The Moringa Consumer Awareness Guide contains third party information about the nutritional value of the Moringa Oleifera Tree. Scientists agree this is the most nutrient dense ...

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform  / Only $8.99

View on Amazon

MORINGA (Malunggay Philippines)

This hard-bound book is about one of the most important multi-function plants in the world. Some nutritional experts and scientists are even of the opinion that the Moringa plan...

Luis R. Villafuerte  / Only $1999.99

View on Amazon

Moringa: Nature's Medicine Cabinet

Moringa may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and health you've been seeking. And this book has everything you need to know—Moringa’s medicinal properties, nutritional cont...

Santorini Publishing  / Only $11.95

View on Amazon

About the Books Above

My own "take" on them...

If you are simply curious about Moringa, the book that is listed last, should be your choice. I rarely have my own copy around, as I loan it to people to whet their interest.

The first book, is exactly what it says - everything you wanted to know, but didn't know to ask.

The book in the middle, is incredible. It is, to date, the most comprehensive book that has been printed, about the incredible Moringa tree.

Your opinion may differ, but I have growing Moringa, and eating Moringa, and reading about Moringa for years!

I almost forgot to tell you where to get Moringa seeds!

I are not affiliated with the company below, that offers Moringa Oleifera seeds, but know theirs have a great germination rate. Despite the fact that I have lots and lots of seeds of my own, we want you to get yours from a different company. We just don't have time to handle all that we already have to do, and their seeds are great.

Store them in your home at room temperature. Moringa seeds are not like most seeds - they will die if they are put in your freezer, and they will not like it at all, in the refrigerator. Nice, dry, room temperatures are what they desire. A good rule of thumb is - are you comfortable? If so, then the seeds will be comfortable, and germinate readily.

Happy planting!

Moringa Oleifera Seeds for you to grow your own edible landscaping!

They have great reviews on their germination rate
Herbs India - Moringa Oleifera Organic Seeds (100) - 100% USDA Organic - High Germination Rate PK...

Moringa Plant, Grow, Cultivation - Easy Instructions 1. Find a sunny place. 2. Make square holes in the ground 30 to 60 cm deep 3. Fill the hole with loose ground 4. Plant the s...

View on Amazon

Some Ways We Eat Moringa

Fresh or dried

Most of us are quite creative, when it comes to utilizing lettuce, kale, spinach, or other leafy greens. When it comes to Moringa, people usually need some suggestions.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Eating Moringa leaves

Utilizing Moringa leaf powder

The suggestions in the links above are just to get you started. With a bit of imagination, I am sure you can devise some ways to add Moringa to the dishes you already enjoy!

Moringa Coffee Mug

...because we do love Moringa and it matters!

Moringa Tie

This will get their attention!
Updated: 03/08/2017, Always-Writing
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Always-Writing on 03/08/2017

You are most welcome, greenprateek! It is simply a great plant for edible landscaping.

greenprateek on 03/08/2017

Wow, what a plant. Thanks for sharing this.

Always-Writing on 06/24/2015

I think it would be great, if we all planted edible landscaping!

blackspanielgallery on 06/24/2015

I had no heard of this before, but you are right about lawns, why grass?

Always-Writing on 06/11/2015

It can be grown in the desert, as long as the soil is worked until it is loose, and you insure the Moringas get sufficient water.

candy47 on 06/11/2015

I've never heard of Moringa and if I didn't live in the desert where the temperatures reach 110, I would like to try growing some.

Always-Writing on 03/02/2015

The dried leaves, or the leaf powder, are excellent sources of nutrition. You can also grow Moringa annually, as you would peas or pumpkins or another annual vegetable. You will not have enough growth from them to have pods form, but you can eat the nutritious leaves throughout the growing season.

chevril on 02/25/2015

I've never heard of Moringa, but being a vegan, this is especially interesting to me. The ground freezes here, so I'll look into the dried leaves.

Always-Writing on 12/15/2014

Thank you. We thoroughly enjoy Moringa, and hope you get an opportunity to have some growing in your area. It will definitely bring some business your way, as Moringa trees grow very, very fast!

Always-Writing on 11/28/2014

Ha! We usually do not, either, but for the last several years, we have had cold weather in the winter - cold to US, anyway!

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