People are making money online. You can too.
by pablina
It is easier than ever to make money on the internet. There are so many opportunities available now that you will be spoiled for choice.
Making money online has never been easier.
Cool sites where you can make money online.
Making money online is becoming easier and easier... however you do need to put in the time and effort to make this happen. Success won't come overnight unless you are extremely lucky andstumble upon something huge that hasn't been done before.
Patience, hard work and a lot of motivation is required. It has taken me up to 2 years to start earning any kind of decent money online. Some people will find it takes less time. Others may give up. I'm glad I didn't give up. So far on Adsense alone I have earned over £700. Probably a similar amount from Triond and then bits of change from Factoidz and Bukisa.
Here I will list a few sites that I regularly earn money from and will add proof of my earnings too.
Triond - This has been one of my top earning sites to date, and now being intergrated with Google AdSense has doubled my income from my Triond articles. A great site if used correctly. My total earnings to date (June 2011) on Triond (on my main account) are $1,082.28. Which is pretty damn cool. Below you can see proof of some of more more recent Triond earnings.
Factoidz - A site that concentrates on more factual articles, but the payout is pretty good. They also have various other tasks that you can participate in to earn extra income. Overall a very good site.
Google Adsense - Used in various online sites and you are able to intergrate adsense with sites such as Triond, Youtube (although you will either need to be invited to rev share on an individual video or ask to join the partnership programme).
Bukisa - This used to pay straight from the site based upon views etc, however it is now Google Adsense intergrated content site. You can also intergrate Chitika on Bukisa. If you have a Google adsense account, Bukisa is a great way of boosting your adsense earnings.
Squidoo - One of the best sites I have found. This site offers endless possibilities. You will earn money directly from Squidoo itself, and then you can also earn affiliate earnings by adding Amazon products on your page, You can display eBay products and this will automatically update itself depending on the keywords given. Zazzle and Cfepress are two other great ways of earning on Squidoo too. So if you have an account with either of two, then get over to Squidoo and start showcasing your products. You won't be dissapointed.
The only setback with Squidoo is that you won't see your first payment for at least 3 months, however when you do, if you have put the time and effort in, you will be rewarded well.
Webanswers. This is a question and answer adsense revenue sharing site. You can earn money by answering questions and being awarded the top answer. However if the question isn't awarded, or whilst it is waiting to be awarded, your google ads will be rotated on that page on a ratio basis.
Webanswers is a good site to join, especially if you have good knowledge in particular niche areas, to supplement your Google adsense earnings.
How much do you earn online, on average, on a monthly basis?
The Secrets of Google AdSense Success... Independently published Only $8.65 | Google AdSense Secrets 6.0: What Goog... Joel Comm, Inc. Only $4.99 | GOOGLE ADSENSE GUIDE: COMPREHENSIVE A... Independently published Only $10.99 |
Do you write for any of the following sites?
The best piece of advice I could give you.
The best piece of advice I could give you if you are just starting out, or even if you have been trying to earn money online for a while is to be patient. Making money online isn't an overnight thing.
You will need to out the time and effort in and it will take some time to start seeing the real rewards.
'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'. This was the best advice given to me. If you are with Google adsense and you have the time, find as many different avenues as possible to generate income. See what works for you and what doesn't, but don't give up after a couple of days, sometimes the best sites to work on take time for the rewards to come through.
Make sure you read as many articles and take the advice of others that have been successful making money online. I make sure that everyday I read an article, or watch a video about making money online. I always learn something new.
Good luck and if you have any questions or want help with anything, I am more than happy to help.
I have just helped one of my friends from across the pond reach her Google adsense threshold for the first time. I get so much satisfaction knowing that I have helped someone on their journey to making real. worthwhile money online.
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I'm slowly trying to figure out how to earn more from writing online. I haven't looked at Triond yet -- I'm glad it's working well for you! I'll take a look at it.