Photographer, Writer, Blogger, Instructor, Eclectic, Traveler

by eileen

A journey of a thousands steps with zigs and zags like a switchback

Discovering alternative income sources with the talents given me while learning new entrepreneurial ways to create a safe and pleasant work environment. Escape the Cubicle! Working for Great Bosses only! Starting with making myself the Greatest Boss ever!

About Eileen

Make it a Great Day!

Just a little background to get me started:

  • From USA
  • Lived in at least six or more locations already
  • Many jobs over the year
  • A few Fabulous Bosses
  • Cubicles were like cages
  • Online is freedom
  • Love technical, art, culture, and travel



Art fairs, consignments, informal wedding, by appointment
  • Photography sales started with Art Fairs
  • Art Fairs led to being asked to do consignments
  • Notecards were originals
  • Photography at art fairs with a cost of $200 to $300 a weekend was not viable option
  • Consignments and sales felt great
  • Have not found a good viable way to sell
  • Great sales but costs ate it all
  • My journey continued looking for ways to show my work and talk about my travels.


Writing is needed everywhere
  • Writing in my Corporate job where it was added with others and lost in the shuffle
  • Writing in my College days
  • Wonderful writing when going to a University where you designed your own degree.
    • Read 20 books a semester which satisfied my voracious desire to read and consume knowledge.
    • Drawing parallels between authors and themes on transitions in life. Yes, this could be several topics.
  • Good friend who proofread my work for Final paper with great editorial skills enabled me to graduate and feel a great sense of accomplishment.
  • Writing for course instruction
  • Writing for Blogs
  • Journey continues as realization of income necessities for self-support becomes acute.


Requires being a writer and technologist
  • Started with Blogger
  • Creating blogs hosted on your own web host has a learning curve
  • Wordpress is fun but challenging with all the themes and plugins
  • Found Author whose book inspired me to continue on the Blogging path


Problogger Secrets for Blogging Six Figure Income

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

An update of one of the bestselling blogging books, written by two of the world's most successful bloggersThere's a reason why the first two editions of this book have sold ...

$16.86  $2.77

View on Amazon


Making money and having fun

What I love about Wizzley already is being able to write on multiple topics. Not being confined to one topic. All the helpful Wizzers on Making Money on Wizzley.

My goal is to be able to make $100 a day from my online activities. These will include writing, affiliates, commissions, adsense, amazon, and writing assignments.

Creating passive income so I can travel more.

Creating multiple income streams in order to be more independent.

Improve my writing and the time it takes me to writer a Wizzer or a Blog Posting

Create several ebooks

Continue to be Persistent


Places where I am listed


Write for Wizzley


Writing Elsewhere

Building my stable

Writing for the under the specific Topic assigned  of Technology

Freelance Tourist: Travel Tips

Travel Writer


Overhead Trolley Universal Islands of Adventure



Started a Travel blog when a Travel blogger Tradeshow came to town



Digital Photography and Multimedia Digital Art: Photo Tips



Sedona Arizona




Started a site for photography

Web Design School: Web Design Tips

A place for geeks


San Antonio





Started a site called Web Design School

Social Media School: Social Media Tips

Tools of Online Entrepreneurs

Eclectic Pursuits

Future Website

Domain Purchased

Updated: 03/26/2012, eileen
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Tolovaj on 05/23/2012

You certainly look like a very busy person!
Nice to meet you, Eileen, wish you a great on-line journey to be able to have more off-line travels:)

Mladen on 03/26/2012

Welcome to Wizzley, Eileen! It is good to have multi-talented writer, such as you are, here on Wizzley!

eileen on 03/26/2012

Thank you for welcome. Followed you here after reading your write ups over time and then reading others Make Money articles here. Looking forward to a long and prosperous time with Wissley writing Wizzers which to me equates to Wizardly postings :-)

Lissie on 03/26/2012

Welcome to Wizzley Eileen!

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