PMD Personal Microderm Abrasion Home Facial Treatments

by katiem2

Get micro dermal abrasion results at home with the do it yourself personal micro-dermal abrasion system to uncover fresh new dewy skin for a more youthful face. Saves thousands!

The PMD or personal dermal abrasion system gives you the ablility to perform your own micro-dermal abrasion treatments in the comfort of your own home. It works the same without the hassle of appointments or the high cost. This PMD device is a hand held facial treatment uses the same aluminum oxide crystals as the pricey machines in the doctors office costing upwards of ten thousand dollars. It gets rid of dead skin cells, diminishes age spots, lines and more tell tale signs of aging.

The Personal Micro-dermal Kit

The PMD kit comes with everything you need for fresh renewed beautiful skin.

This personal micro-dermal abrasion system includes everything you need to guide you through the process.

The Kit Includes

  • 1 personal micro-dermal abrasion device
  • 5 discs for exfoliating 2 green and 3 blue
  • A facial cap plus a body cap
  • A reusable filter
  • A instructional CD and pamphlet with a complete guide on how to use the system correctly.

The Personal Micro-Dermal Results

Developing a routine of proper micro-dermal abrasion helps create a youthful appearance.

To get the best results use a gentle facial cleanser, toner, and cell renewal cream regularly in conjunction with your micro-dermal abrasion device. Both men and women may now enjoy the amazing results that were once only available at the dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Enjoy more youthful beautiful skin.

Why Get Micro-Dermal Abrasion Treatments

The ability to give yourself micro-dermal abrasion treatments is a cost effective way to achieve and maintain youthful skin.

Our faces need routine exfoliation to prevent dead skin cells from building up causing clogged pores, acne, fine lines and discoloration, just to name a few issues. The at home micro-dermal abrasion system allows you to keep dead skins cells from building up plus it stimulates new cell production which keeps skin clean, clear, fresh, smooth and youthful. The ability to maintain the glowing skin we once only got from pricey salons is ground breaking for anyone with skin. This great new product puts a whole new face on society. Enjoy looking your best or in fact better than you ever thought possible. 

Be sure to watch the video clip below of the Personal Micro-Dermal System on the doctor Oz. show. A dermatologist demonstrates how the PMD replaces costly treatments such as botox and micro-dermal abrasion procedures. This is a must have in your beauty collection.

PMD as seen on the Dr Oz Show

Updated: 11/01/2012, katiem2
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DerdriuMarriner on 07/20/2017

katiem2, Do cleanser, toner and renewal cream work without PMDs?

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