PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. It is a condition that affects women during the week or two before their period. PMS can cause a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including bloating, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and breast tenderness. While some women only experience mild symptoms, others find PMS so severe that it interferes with their work, social life, and everyday activities. There is no cure for PMS, but there are treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms.

PMS Gummy Vitamins
PMS Gummy Vitamins are a nutritional supplement designed to help women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
![]() PMS Gummy Vitamins |
PMS Gummies
Do PMS Supplements Help PMS Sufferers?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each person’s body and health needs are unique. However, some people find that taking supplements can help to ease their PMS symptoms. Common supplements that are used to treat PMS include calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium.
Women who experience PMS are advised to follow a modified version of the diet generally recommended for people who have hypoglycemia, along with regular exercise. Non-clinical testimonials from women suggest this regime does appear to help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in a significant number of cases. The eight-point diet calls for:
- Limiting or eliminating simple sugars found in cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, jams and syrups.
- Increased consumption of complex carbohydrates, including whole-grain breads and cereals, rise, pasta and potatoes.
- Eating six small meals a day rather than three large ones, with no more than two to three hours in between meals.
- Cutting out, or cutting back on, products that contain caffeine, including coffee, tea, colas, chocolate and over-the-counter medications such as Excedrin and Dristan.
- Reduced consumption of fats, particularly saturated fats.
- Lowered salt, or sodium, intake.
- Avoidance of alcohol.
- Eating more foods that are rich in vitamin B-6 and magnesium, such as dark green leafy vegetables and whole-grain products.
Does Diet Help PMS Symptoms?
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that what you eat can affect your PMS symptoms. Some women find that their PMS symptoms are worse when they eat certain foods, while others find that certain foods help to ease their symptoms. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for PMS, but there are some general dietary guidelines that may help to ease symptoms.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both of these substances can aggravate PMS symptoms like anxiety and irritability.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: These foods are packed with nutrients that can help to ease PMS symptoms.
- Avoid sugary and processed foods: These foods can trigger cravings and make PMS symptoms like bloating and weight gain worse.
- Get plenty of calcium: This nutrient is important for keeping bones healthy, but it may also help to ease PMS symptoms like cramps and mood swings.
- Make sure to get enough vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for bone health, but it may also help to reduce PMS symptoms.
If you are struggling with severe PMS symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor. There are treatments available that can help to ease your symptoms and make your life more manageable.
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What do you think about PMS gummy vitamins?
Yes, aren't they a good idea!
I wish these PMS Gummy Vitamins were around when I was younger. I would definitely give them a try.
Acceptable drinkables and edibles in your observations are actually part of a healthy diet for people with and without health problems. But do you tend toward avoiding herbal teas as well as caffeinated or just caffeinated?
Also, the heading Do PMS Supplements Help PMS Sufferers? identifies Dristan and Excedrin as over-the-counter medications to cut back on or to cut out.
What would one replace them with, in terms of foods and medications?