Proud to Be Catholic? - Visors, T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers and More

by ologsinquito

A showcase of products for people who are proud to be Catholic

Are you proud of your Catholic Faith? And would you like to shout it from the rooftops?

Actually, you don't need to climb on a roof. There are many other ways to let others know that you take your faith seriously.

Every baptized Catholic is charged with the mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

An easy way to do that is to wear your faith on your sleeve, literally. Many attractive, Catholic-themed t-shirts are available to purchase online. You'll also find a variety of other products, such as bumper stickers, mouse pads, coffee cups and more.

The Church Militant and Catholic Teaching

Catholic doctrine holds that the Church is made of up three groups of people. There is the Church Triumphant, which are the people who have died in a state of sanctifying grace, and have gone to Heaven. Then, there is the Church Suffering. These are the souls in Purgatory, waiting to get to Heaven some day.

The people in Purgatory, Catholics believe, are very dear to God, because they have followed His Commandments and are destined for Heaven. However, they must undergo a bit of purification before going there.

Catholics pray for the souls in purgatory, that they can get to their destination quickly.

Here on earth, we are still fighting for the faith, sometimes along with trials and persecutions. We are also assailed by doubts, fears and temptations. That's why we're referred to as the Church Militant.

The Catholic Church was Founded by Christ

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ in the year 33 AD. Saint Peter the Apostle was our first Pope. Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican is named after him. He was crucified there, upside down, in the year 64 AD.

What we now know as the Bible was compiled by Catholic Church leaders in the fourth century during the Council of Hippo and the Council of Carthage.

The Catholic faith is based on three things - Biblical teaching, oral tradition and the Magisterium, which is the deposit of faith as it's been practiced over the course of the last 2,000 years. The oral tradition was handed on by Jesus to his Apostles, who spent three years with him.

Pope Francis is number 266 in an unbroken chain of pontiffs that have led the Church.

The Communion of Saints

Saints are people who lived good lives on earth and now enjoy eternity with God, according to Catholic doctrine. Although we don't worship them, we ask them to pray for us, much as we ask our friends here on earth to do the same. Since the saints are now with God, and very dear to Him, we have an excellent chance of having our prayers heard.

Some of the best-known saints are Saint Anthony, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Therese the Little Flower.

Mary, the Mother of God

Catholics show great respect for the Mother of God, as she was chosen to bear the Son of Man and witness his Passion, as she stood at the Foot of the Cross.

One common misconception is that we worship Mary. This is not true. We simply have a warm relationship with her, because she agreed to take on a great sacrifice when she gave her consent to the Angel Gabriel.

We also believe prayers to Our Lady are especially efficacious, because it would be hard for Christ to refuse a prayer request given from His Mother.

That is why you'll often hear a Catholic say, Holy Mother, pray for us."

Saint Therese the Little Flower

Saint Therese, or "The Little Flower," as she is often called, is one of the most popular modern saints. She died in 1897 after suffering from tuberculosis when she was only 24. She became known outside of her cloistered convent because she wrote an autobiography before she died.

She is often associated with roses, because, during her final illness, she said, "I will spend my Heaven doing good upon earth, I will let fall a shower of roses."

People who ask her help in their pressing needs or request her intercession, often receive a rose in some form when this prayer is heard.

Updated: 08/01/2016, ologsinquito
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ologsinquito on 10/22/2013

Hi WriterArtist, thank you so much for reading. I tried to explain about the Virgin Mary because many people who aren't familiar with the Catholic Faith think we worship Mary, which we don't.

ologsinquito on 10/22/2013

Hi Frank, thank you so much for reading. I'm so happy that some people like to read these Catholic articles.

frankbeswick on 10/22/2013

This was a nice article, that I think displays the Catholic spirit well.

WriterArtist on 10/21/2013

Some of the interesting collections that you would love to wear. I loved the ones that has "Virgin Mary" showcasing.

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