Quit Starving, Artists! Sell Your Goods on Free Classified Ads

by JoyLynskey

Learn about why many are flocking to online resources to find their next purchases, and why buying this way is good for your career and our economy.

The Bad News

The bad news is that our economy is faltering, while we all hold out waiting for it to bounce back,  not only the artists are 'starving.' Many who previously owned their own stores or galleries to display their art have suffered hardships that made their home office their new home base for their artistic endeavors.

While for some, an artistic item may be considered a frivolous expense, there can be no doubt that even in the most dire financial situations in our history, people still flock to art to soothe themselves from the days stresses as well as for a long list of other reasons. So, even if you are currently only  a virtually starving artist, you may want to immediately begin to take advantage of advertising options on Free classified ad sites, before you become a literal one.

The Good News

The good news for Artist is that many people have begun to support private store owners, artists, boutique stores and more instead of spending their money on big corporations, major department and variety stores, and bigger entities in favor of boosting economy directly from consumer to consumer.

For starving artists, this means getting your art advertised on the internet and off, are imperative to your continued career.

The Great News

The greatest news of all is that there are sites like FreeAdLists that allow you to post your Art to local areas only, or if you are willing to ship your art, a few clicks can shoot your ad to every city in the country.

As usual, you can also go with boutique shops or even auction sites, but even when you use sites like that to sell your art, you should still always post an ad on the classified ad sites. Doing so will provide you and your art with:

  • Free Advertising
  • Backlinks to Your Main Site
  • Increased Traffic Views
  • Increased Page Rankings

You really can't do any better as far as free advertising for your art goes. Be sure to watch the videos below to get a better understanding of how marketing yourself and your business through free ad sites is imperative!

Continued Education

Free marketing opportunities can turn up around every corner when you are searching the internet. Be sure to take advantage of as many as you can while also maintaining security by not falling for every offer available.

The old adage that "If it looks too good to be true, it likely is," does commonly apply to many opportunities around the web, however, with a bit of deep research, it is easy to determine the scams from the genuine and investing a bit of time in the research may pay off high dividends in the end.

Updated: 01/10/2012, JoyLynskey
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Michey on 11/08/2011

Classified ads are OK as long as they are safe and not spamy sites, so we need some research up front. This being said, I agree that we can use them to expend our selling experience.

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