Minoxidil was discovered in the1980's. While it was being studied for other things it was found to actually regrow hair. Rogaine took this discovery and applied it to the science of restoring hair for men. Rogaine is the first to develop an approved hair regrowth system given the nod by the FDA. Since that time Rogaine has helped millions to take control of their hair loss actually doing something about it. Rogaine works for both men and women. They have over 20 years of experience in developing a product that works, is safe and cost effective. Plus, it is the number one dermatologist recommended hair regrowth product on the market. It helps reverse the progression of the most dreaded event in any mans life, that being the hereditary related loss of hair. Men no longer have to set back and live with the fact they must go bald.

Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment
by katiem2
Receive an additional 10% off your Rogaine for men product when you use your MasterCard card. Hurry offers last while promo funds are available or subscribe and save 5% anytime.
ROGAINE in an Easy-to-Apply Foam
ROGAINE is better now than ever with it's easy to use and highly effective foam.
The best hair loss treatment for any man is Rogaine, there is just nothing like it delivering results and an honest bang for your buck. Rogaine is the first FDA approved hair regrowth foam system treatment for men. It delivers 5% minoxidil which delivers those amazing results. It's been proven in clinical test and you can easily see the amazing results for yourself above.
The very Rogaine foam your about to purchase has been proven to regrow hair in 85% of the men who used it after 4 months. This is far better the outcome than continuing on with your natural progression of hair loss. Imagine gaining hair back in only four months as apposed to losing who knows how much more hair in that time?
Rogaine goes on easily, dries quick and is a simple ritual to include with your morning and evening ritual. It's as easy as brushing your teeth. Both a vital ritual I might add.
What Causes Hair Loss in Men?
While there are many causes of hair loss and male pattern baldness it's often triggered by a combination of hormonal issues and heredity.
These issues cause the hair follicles to shrink, this in turn creates a poor environment for hair to thrive and therefore begins to fall out. The active ingredient in Rogaine, minoxidil, revitalizes the very hair follicles that shrink causing hair loss to reverse. It increases the size of the follicle which renews hair growth increasing thicker looking hair over time.
The Best Deal on Rogaine
Take advantage of subscribing and save 5% off your purchase price.
The leader in online retail offers great deals on the trusted hair regrowth product Rogaine. Take advantage of subscribing and save 5% off your purchase price.
The Rogaine product we highlight today is cutting edge that delivers on hair regrowth. It is extra strength, is a full three month supply, with the easy to apply and use foam staying put to work better and cleaner. Plus, as I've mentioned it is the #1 dermatologist recommended brand.
Stop worrying about hair loss and get on the fast convenient track to regrowing your own hair today.
Do You Prefer Balding?
Take a private secure poll letting men know how you truly feel about balding.
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Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment Chat
Mike, You make a good point. Many men wear baseball caps and other hats to hide their balding areas, not good for them because the friction and restriction to circulation the ball cap puts on their hair line adds to both hair loss and balding. You should share this with him ... Thanks for sharing.
Hey @katiem2, I never have had a problem with thinning hair myself. However my younger brother does. So much so he keeps the hair he does have cut really short so as not to draw attention to his thinning hair and receding hair line. After reading this article, I believe he should give Rogaine for Men Hair Regrowth Treatment a go.
After all he doesn’t have much more hair to loose, and after regrown his lost hair maybe he will quit wearing all the ball caps he use to protect his scalp from being sunburned. M :)