Septum Piercings on Girls~ Dangers, Healing, Cleansing and Infections

by HollieT

Discussing mixed attitudes regarding septum piercings on girls, the potential dangers, how to cleanse new piercings and treat septum infections.

In some cultures, such as the Kangi of New Guinea and the Kiman-Papuans of Irian Jaya, septum piercings have been performed on boys to protect them form the mystical power of woman, or to signify the young adolescents growing independence from their mothers.

In western popular culture, however, septum piercings on girls are becoming increasingly popular, and have evoked mixed feelings and reactions. Some commentators believe that septum piercings on girls are distasteful and unattractive, whilst others claim that septum piercings on females are a highly flattering adornment.

Nevertheless, septum piercings on girls are a rising trend, which is why information regarding the possible dangers and infections which can occur as a result of having a septum piercing, should be carefully considered, as should aftercare.

What is a septum piercing?

Not to be confused with a nostril piercing, a septum piercing runs between the nostrils, as opposed to through the outer wall of the nostril.

There is a cartilaginous (cartilage) wall that divides the nostrils, known as the nasal septum. However, it is usually an area known as the "sweet spot", which is a small gap between the base of the cartilage wall and the base of the nose, which is pierced.


Septum piercings on girls are becoming increasingly popular.
Septum piercings on girls are becomin...

As the sweet spot is known to contain literally hundreds of nerve endings, a septum piercing can prove painful, however, just like having any other form of piercing, different individuals will experience different levels of pain. The video below demonstrates how a septum piercing is performed.

What are the dangers of septum piercings?

As with any bodily piercing, septum piercings on girls, and indeed boys, are not without risk. Un-sterilized needles and poor hygiene practices can lead to the transference of serious infections, such as HIV and hepatitis.

In some cases, Nasal Septum Hematoma can develop as a result of having the septum pierced. In such instances, the sufferer will experience nasal congestion and will have some difficulty breathing. Blood and fluid can also build in that area if there is an obstruction in the blood capillaries, this is rare, however, and often only occurs if the soft tissue in the septum has been damaged in some way.

Fortunately, many of these problems can be avoided if the services of a professional, licensed practitioner are sought. A reputable practitioner would ask that a customer sign a consent form prior to the procedure, and would also show indicator strips which demonstrate that both the clamps and needles have been properly sterilised.

Infections and Aftercare.

The piercing should be kept very clean, and in normal circumstances it is better to clean the septum with salt water. Sea salt is best, and a good pinch should be added to a glass of previously boiled water.

Wash your hands, and remove the septum jewelry prior to cleaning. Dab the septum with cotton wool which has been soaked in the water, then discard it. Use a fresh piece of cotton wool, soaked in the salt water and clean again.

You should discard any piece of cotton wool after it has been in contact with the piercing. Do not be tempted to re-use the cotton wool by dipping it into the water again and cleaning. You should clean your new piercing for a couple of minutes every day, at least twice a day.

After the septum has been pierced, it is perfectly normal to see white secretion on the septum ring. This is nothing to worry about. Nonetheless, if the secretion changes color and becomes green or yellow, then it is possible that you have an infection.

Should you notice a change in the colour of the discharge leave the ring in place for the secretion to drain from the piercing. You should also seek medical advice.


It can take anything up to eight months for a new septum piercing to completely heal. Again, however, this depends on the individual, and keeping the septum clean will certainly help speed up recovery time. As much as possible, anyone with a new piercing should avoid alcohol, which can cause inflammation. Likewise, any facial cleansers or toners, which are alcohol based should also be avoided.

Updated: 11/09/2012, HollieT
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DerdriuMarriner on 11/13/2024

The computer crashed before I conveyed another component of my observation and question considered in the successively two comment boxes immediately below.

Might it be advisable to move the nose jewelry out for baths, showers and water sports and for sleepy time?

DerdriuMarriner on 11/08/2024

The computer crashed before I concluded with another component of my observation and question in the comment box immediately below.

It's unfortunate that people and prop care is inaccessible since the Dune Two tubing perhaps involved helpful jewelry- and septum-cleaning tips.

Your wizzley contrastingly mitigates anything antagonistic to maintaining cleansed, healed, infection-free pierced septums.

Might different or the same procedures and products maintain the nose jewelry beautiful, clean and infection-free?

DerdriuMarriner on 10/16/2024

Decorating and piercing nose parts causes me to consider Dune Two.

The planetary environment causes its denizens to construct functional, albeit darkly decorative, tubelets from one nostril to along the cheek to the ear and the hairline.

Might you have seen the aforementioned film?

That tubing seems like an extreme nose-decorating and nose-piercing.

HollieT on 01/29/2013

Hi katie,

My daughter has just had her nose pierced (she has to take the little stud out for school though) I was opposed at first but she's sixteen in April and can do so then anyway. Good news is: she doesn't want anymore piercings. :)

katiem2 on 01/29/2013

My 14 year old just asked me if she can get her ears triple pierced. It is very trendy. I'm thinking on it... :)K

HollieT on 10/30/2012

Hi katie,

I actually wrote this article after my son had his septum pierced, I didn't want him to but he was almost twenty so it was his decision. I think pierced ears heal quite a bit faster and are less risky. Still, it's good to have the information in case of infections. Thanks for stopping by, Katie.

katiem2 on 10/30/2012

My daughter just got her ears pierced, thanks for the tips on healing, cleansing and spotting infections that can occur from piercings. :)K

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