I write books. I take photographs. I am retired. I am not a computer expert. I want to sell my books and make money from my photographs. There are many sites and 'Gurus' out 'there' on the web. I am not one of them. There are many, many people who are far more qualified to give advice and teach anyone who wishes to become an internet marketer. However, for the 'newbie' (like me) what I can do is give encouragement and show what I did and am doing. I hope you enjoy this article.

Setting up a Marketing Campaign
by Ralpapajan
How I have managed to set up a Marketing Campaign to sell my books and puplicise my photography
Which Blog?
I started with Blogspot
When I went to Belize I started my first Blog. That was six years ago. It was for the purpose of communicating with my friends and family all over the world - keeping in touch. Like Facebook today, I guess but with a limited membership. I had never attempted anything online before and it was quite simple.The only snag was Google bought the one I started with and changed it to Blogger. Then the changes started. Google calls them improvements but... Are they? They only seemed ~ to me ~ to make life difficult.
Anyway, I persevered and still have the Blog though it has been neglected of late.
Then I was told that I should change to Word Press. Boy, did I battle with that at first. In fact it took me two years before I cracked it - not especially well and certainly I am not in any way an expert.
I had taken lessons from various people. Ron Passfield and Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann, for example, were really helpful and gave me a great deal of useful advice and training. Then there was an Aussie, Rob Parnell, who taught me a lot about writing copy. And so on. The self-confessed marketing Gurus were not that helpful. I looked at Articles here and absorbed quite a lot. All good.
I also started posting videos to YouTube. My first one was 'Fall in Takayama' taken on my little Sony WS30 and the next I made from a slideshow which I called 'How to Make Orgonite'
A Facebook page followed and finally my About.Me splash page ~ is that the right term? ~ came into being. This is a Switchboard for all my sites.
At last I was ready for a WordPress site and over the past 8 weeks this has come into being.
I have no idea how professional they look but one thing is for sure ~ I had fun making them all.
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Comments ~ I would really appreciate any comments about ANY of my sites and this article. Thank you.
Thank you. It surely is.
It's a continuous "learn as you go" journey, isn't it? I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you.
Best of luck on all of your online ventures.