Should You Have More than One Blog?
This article talks about the advantages and disadvantages to having more than one blog. This may help you decide if multiple blogs are right for you.
Blogs can be addictive, plain and simple. Just ask some of your friends who blog how many they have, chances are that they have more than one blog. They all serve different purposes but if you have too many, you may find that it is more work than fun. So how do you decide if you should have more than one blog? Below are the advantages and disadvantages of multiple blogs, read through them and see which seems like the best solution.
Advantages to Multiple Blogs
Subjects – Each blog can have its own unique subject. If you like to write about crafting and you like to write about sports, each would have its own home and you would not have to find a way to make the two live in harmony.
Boredom – Chances are, with more than one blog you aren’t going to run out of things to say. You just switch topics and blogs and you are ready to go.
Expert Status – If you want to be known as an expert in the craft arena, then you likely want to keep your blog to just the one topic to establish yourself. If you start injecting the odd posts about football and hockey, it could diminish the look of being an expert.
Guest Posts – With more than one blog, you have more chances to get asked to write guest posts. But it’s a disadvantage too as you can only promote the one blog in your biography, most likely.
Knowledge – Multiple blogs can show many different sides of you. You can use each blog to showcase different writing styles, different knowledge bases or anything else you may want.
Advertising – Each blog can advertise each other and help create links and traffic. You could have one main blog that has a bit of everything and then it could separate into separate blogs that get more in depth. For instance, you could have a main craft blog which then splinters off into one about crochet, one about knitting, one about needlepoint and others for other crafts.
Starting a Blog Links
Disadvantages of Multiple Blogs
More Work – Each site requires work to have it running at its best. This is where the purpose of your blog really comes into play. If it is just for fun, a place to talk about things that interest you, it likely doesn’t matter. If you are blogging for profit, to promote products, etc then it is a little different as you need to spend time on it on a regular basis.
Costs – If you have a self hosted blog, you could be paying more for hosting and domain name for each blog you have. Depending on your provider though, there may be ways to combine them and get a better rate.
Another great option is to have your professional blog, which is likely the one you are working to promote, get subscribers and sell items on and then have a casual blog. The casual blog can be the one where you post about your interests and is more of an online journal open to the world to read.
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The issue of an extra blog has been lurking at the back of my mind for a while. It is time to consider it.
I made the decision to start a new blog simply because the new topics I wanted to discuss didn't fit the bill on my existing one.
I have four blogs.
Right now I have five because all of them are on different topics. I try to add to them all regularly.
I have one blog and want no other, but I write for some websites. I do not make much money at all.
Cmoneyspinner I totally understand! I work outside the home and then I have multiple blogs... One almost covers its costs but I'm definitely not making money with it :(
I have several blogs. I'd be happy to focus on just one, if that only one would generate me a reasonable income. Sure it's more work for more blogs. But I'm home all day being my own boss. When I worked outside the home, I worked like a dog for other folks. Now I'm just bustin' my chops for myself. Beats doing nothing!
Found you through Twitter. Nice article. :)
I think Squidoo might, as my understanding is you have to keep posting content there. I don't know if Wizzley would as you can just write one thing and leave it, whereas a blog is always in progress.
I think you can spread yourself too thin with blogging, depending on what your plans for them are. If you have a dozen and you plan to post every day, thats likely too much. but if you have a dozen and you only post on one a week, its likely fine. :)
I have two personal blogs, which serve very different purposes. I contemplate adding more for different subjects. You're right -- it's addicting. I wonder if a person can do a really good job if she is spread too thin.
Do places like Wizzley and Squidoo count as blogs?
Great stuff! And, yea - welcome to Wizzley!