~~ Your Live Sourdough Starter
must be fully active before baking with it.
~~ Your measurements will be more accurate and you'll have more consistent results if you use a scale rather than measuring cups.
~~ Keep your hands wet and use a dough scraper to knead the bread. The dough should be sticky when you start the kneading; if it's not sticky, you have too much flour and will have dry bread.
~~ Knead your dough by hand for 15-20 minutes. If that's a long time for you, it's all right to split the time into two sessions. Knead for 5-10 minutes at a time, take a 15 minute break and then knead again.
~~ Try not to use a mixer for kneading because it heats up the dough too much and home mixers don't activating the gluten in the flour very well. If you must use a mixer, knead the last five minutes by hand.
~~ To determine if you've kneaded enough, take a small piece of dough and keep stretching it until you can see light through it. If the dough breaks before being stretched that thin, knead the dough some more.
~~ When you finish kneading, shape your loaf, cover it and let it sit for at least 4 hours but perhaps even as long as 24 hours (it depends on your specific sourdough starter and temperature around the loaf). Wild yeast in sourdough doesn't rise as quickly as commercial yeast. The rise time affects the sour taste of your bread. A longer rise time produces a more sour bread.
~~ Place the sourdough bread on a baking stone if you have one and heat it in the oven for up to an hour before baking.
~~ Use a cooking thermometer to determine when the bread has an internal bread temperature of 195-210F. The bread will also have a hollow sound when thumped.
~~ Let the bread cool for at least 20 minutes before slicing
Photo from flickr creative commons.
Do You Like Freshly Baked Bread?
Oh, I never considered Costco. I'll check it out.
Angela, Costco has a wonderful sourdough bread I buy during the summer time. I have sourdough bread around all the time.
I love sourdough bread, too, and buy it from farmers' markets. Some day I may make my own.
btw, I LOVE SOURDOUGH bread, in my opinion it is the best bread on the planet besides sprouted.
I make my own sourdough bread, I love to add seeds and now that I have read your article on making seeded sprouts I am going to add those to a batch and see how it turns out. I'm thinking good.
My sister makes sourdough bread. It's definitely an acquired taste. If she hadn't told me it was sourdough before I ate it, I would have thought there was something wrong with it. Now I like it, although I've not eaten anything else but bread.
My husband make sourdough bread, cakes, cookies and any recipe he can find! He is in the kitchen making sourdough waffles! I do not share is love of sourdough, I will eat some recipes! I will send him your article.
This is quite an informative article! I don't think making my own is something I would try, as I eat very little bread. But this was still very interesting!
frankbeswick - I'm not a nutritionist, but I do read a lot. Our body chemistries are all different -even in the same family, so sourdough might not cause problems for one celiac disease sufferer, but another person might not be able to tolerate it. Make sure to only try TRUE sourdough made with cultured wild yeast and not commercial yeast. I would recommend only trying a small piece of sourdough and wait to see if it affected me.
Although many health problems are hereditary, based on what I read, I think our diet causes problems, too. We eat so differently today than we did 40 or 50 years ago.
One thing our current diet lacks is fermented foods, which includes sourdough, but also yogurt, sauerkraut, etc. We need prebiotics and probiotics to keep our gut (intestines) healthy.
And the wheat and other grains we eat today are not like the ones the last generation or two used to eat. Many people are starting to only eat wheat and other grains that are organic and not genetically modified; or are trying "ancient grains" as a substitute.
This is a good article about discovering celiac disease has increased four-fold in the last 50 years. http://wholegrainscouncil.org/newsroo...
Burntchestnut, what are your thoughts on sourdough breads for sufferers from celiac disease?