You made a brand new website with original content and tons of useful info. Yet, until it is indexed by bots and spiders, there is no way it could be found through search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu or DuckDuckGo. You can wait for weeks or even months before your articles become properly indexed and ready to be shown to search engine users. Or you can submit the URL of your masterpiece and start getting traffic in a few hours. While there is no 100% way to get into the index, I still compiled 10 ways to improve your chances to become a web superstar within 24 hours or less.
So stop wondering how to submit your website to search engines, here are 10 possibilities to get into the index of Google and others!
Are you satisfied with speed of indexing of your articles on the web?
I believe it's Bing in English speaking countries, Baidu in China and Yandex in Russia.
Thank you!
Who has the next-largest share after Google?
Yes, at the moment Google has the largest share. It should be your first goal but sometimes other engines (like Yandex, for instance) or even services (like Pinterest) contrubute to valuable traffic as well.
There are different kinds of bots and spiders. Some are checking if there is anything new, some try to figure out what is the new content about, other, again estimate the value of the new content, etc.
The 10th possibility, High-traffic sites, praises "internal and external buzzing."
Would high-activity externally be non-contributors visiting site articles and internally be contributors visiting forums and one another?
The last possibility, High-traffic sites, includes Squidoo as an example.
What made Squidoo become a "Now defunct" site?
The 10th possibility, about high-traffic sites, equates busy business with search bots and spiders, indexing and traffic "from Google, Bing, Yahoo and other players in this field."
What might be examples of "other players"?
The HubPages link at the end of the last possibility, Sites with a lot of traffic, acquainted me with your owlcation about Madame d'Aulnoy.
You ask at the end for readers' favorite Madame d'Aulnoy-authored work. As an IberoAmericanist, I became acquainted with her works about the Spanish court.
What is your favorite legacy from Madame d'Aulnoy?
The 10th possibility, Sites with a lot of traffic, advances HubPages as an example of a high-traffic site.
Is HubPages the leader among high-traffic sites or might there be other competitors for that accolade?
The 9th possibility, Forums, example Wizzley forums.
The link to a Tolovaj contribution to Wizzley forms gives a good example of how educationally entertaining, entertainingly social forums can be.
What is it possible for a site to do to increase the use of its forums for information exchanges and social interactions? For example, what might Wizzley do?