Support Your Local Pet Rescue Charity

by tinacollins

Avoid buying your pet from a puppy farm or a breeder even if they're reputable.

"I had no idea about puppy farms, I just fell in love with Alfie and handed over the money."

Alfie (a golden cocker spaniel puppy), in his very short life, had to endure 29 visits to the Vet not forgetting the experience he had before Stacey fell in love with him. He died a month after she bought him.

Please help close down Puppy Farms in the UK and overseas.

What Is A Puppy Mill/Farm?

Puppy Mills are mass breeding operations that house puppies and their mothers in dirty, squalid conditions with poor diets, no medical care, no proper socialisation, and no exercise.

Puppies are often sick, malnourished, suffering from genetic problems and are abused in one form or another. Other animals can be commercially bred for profit in the same way, including cats.

Puppies from Puppy Mills can look healthy and happy when you first see them. But, they often have many health and behaviour related problems which tend to present themselves after you've bought them home.

Puppy Farm Pups Are Often:

"Save yourself TIME and MONEY when shopping for your new puppy with this easy-to-follow guide!" BUT don't buy from a Puppy Mill!

  1. Sick or diseased.
  2. Malnourished.
  3. Sold without proper certification.
  4. Removed from their mothers too early.
  5. Born in overcrowded, filthy conditions.

Should Puppy Sellers Be Licensed?

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Often pet shops will sell puppies, too and it's not often known if these puppies come from Puppy Mills or from registered breeders.

Should We Make This Practice Illegal?

Should registered breeders and Rescue Homes be the only ones "allowed" to sell puppies or any young animal?

Would what you do if you saw what you thought was an ill-kept puppy in a pet shop? Would you complain to the appropriate authorities or would you buy the puppy from them thereby saving that puppy from more ill-treatment?

The Golden Rules on Buying a Puppy in the UK:

  1. Always ask to see the mother.
  2. Beware if the breeder is outside the UK.
  3. Check vaccination cards. Beware if you can't see the vet's details.
  4. Pedigree certificates do not guarantee the condition of the puppy.
  5. Never buy from someone who offers to deliver a puppy.
  6. Consider a rescue dog from your local RSPCA centre.


As with any pet, puppies are expensive to keep, often costing hundreds of pounds in care, food, vet bills shortly after they've been bought. The cost of Vet bills are considerably higher if the puppies have been purchased from pet shops, newspaper ads, the internet, and puppy farms.

If you've bought a puppy in this way and it falls sick, you may be reluctant to return it from where you bought it from.

Click here to read about your consumer rights as a Puppy Buyer.

PUPPY MILL AWARENESS DAY – Third Saturday in September

Be wary of buying animals from pet shops, too.

Like most people I'm against Puppy mills/farms for obvious reasons but I'm also wary of buying pets from pet shops or from people I do not know.

The more animals that pet shops sell, the harder it is to maintain good, quality care, whatever the good intentions. The staff usually have more than one job to do, including re-stocking the shop and selling to customers.

In the past, I've bought dogs from a rescue home or I've taken in pets from friends who can no longer look after them. I believe it's irresponsible to bring more young animals into this world when we can't even look after the ones we already have.

My first choice would be a rescue home or sanctuary for any new pet like a cat or dog.

The Top UK Animal Rescue Centres

Updated: 12/05/2024, tinacollins
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DerdriuMarriner on 12/31/2024

Thank you for your comment below, in answer to my previous observation and question.

The computer crashed before I commenced another component to the concern over canines a bit chunky in zoo contexts versus "lean and fit" in their "natural environment."

The other component somewhat is related because it's about "a little overweight" -- perhaps even a bit more than just "a little" ;-D -- but not related because it's about Brazilian babies!

International business made Brazil development and investment priorities in post-World War II Latin America. Johnson & Johnson obtained quite a portion of the business sector.

Every year, for a certain number of years in the 20th century, Johnson & Johnson realized a beautiful, healthy baby contest, whose winners received monetary and other -- such as free products -- prizes. The winning baby always was healthy but quite chunky!

Perhaps it would have been less onerously healthy to have wanted babies just-rightly fit, healthy and lean. Wouldn't that chunkiness as a baby work for chunkiness as a youth and an adult?

tinacollins on 12/31/2024

I've no idea but hopefully, they have adequate training in order to know this. Maybe it's also a tactic to prevent boredom etc.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/30/2024

Thank you for your comment below, in answer to my previous observation and question.

The London zoo can be commended for keeping African wild dogs "well fed" even as that same entity disappoints in doing canine diets such that the wild-dog sentients display "a little overweight" appearances.

Is the staff aware that "These animals in their natural environment would be lean and fit due to the chase of the prey"?

tinacollins on 12/13/2024

Personally I think that zoos are not a good place to find pet sentients because of the unnatural environment that these animals are kept in. Although we as humans try are best to look after these animals, we are falling short. For example, in London zoo, the african wild dogs are well fed and are a little overweight! These animals in their natural environment would be lean and fit due to the chase of the prey.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/12/2024

Thank you for your comment below, in answer to my previous observation and question.

Unitedstatesian zoos sometimes sell older animal sentients.

Would zoos be a source of pet sentients in the British Isles?

tinacollins on 12/07/2024

I believe the advice would be good for first time pet seekers. I'd hope that more experienced pet owners would know of problems to look out for.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/06/2024

The last sentence to the last subheading, Be wary of buying animals from pet shops, too, advises us that "My first choice would be a rescue home or sanctuary for any new pet like a cat or dog."

Does that helpful advice apply whether one is a first-time or an experienced pet-seeker?

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