Introducing the Real Susan52
Who is she today?
If you know me, you might be familiar with the picture, what I call the four personas of Susan52.
There's the inner child who dislikes having to act like a grownup, the Giant Squid who enjoys writing on Squidoo, Sassy Susan, the alter ego who loves to have her say on serious subjects like politics and religion, and the baby boomer, the face in the mirror that I have yet to come to grips with.
Most of what I write about, what I think about, how I feel, and how I spend my time can be categorized into one of these four segments of my personality. Hang on while I share a little more of Susan52 from the inside out.
My Family
Deserving of the "P" word.
I know that "passionate" is an over-the-top word, but when I write about my family there's no other word I can think of that describes how I feel about them.
I am blessed with a very patient husband of 30 years, two sons who make me so proud I could just burst, a daughter-in-law who I can truly call my friend, and an extended family who I appreciate more every day. My family members prefer privacy, so I don't write about them very much, but I could fill volumes bragging about my children's talents, their amazing senses of humor, their achievements through the years, and their successes as young adults. They're not perfect but, when I talk about them, sometimes people think they are.
Our boys (men) get along very well and enjoy spending time together, which blesses my heart. There's nothing in this world that I enjoy more than having the "kids" here, all at the same time. My face may ache from smiling so much by the time they go home, but I can think of nothing else that gives me so much earthly joy and delight.
Christmas At Our House
Sharing my family with you, just for a minute!
Susan52, Where Are You?
You'll find me here and there, around the web.
I Squidoo, Do You?
My Squidoo blog.
Susan52 dot com
My personal blog.
Recipes for Real People
My family recipes blog.
Susan52 on Squidoo
Lots of lenses on lots of topics.
Susan52 on Squidoo - on Facebook
My fan page.
Susan52 on Twitter
Follow me!
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Please take a moment to say hello so I can get to know you!
Hi, Susan! I can really relate to so much of how you've described yourself, except I have three sons. I know that feeling about looking in the mirror. Mom, is that you?
Nice to meet you here on Wizzley.
I'm very familiar with that one particular photo from Squidoo, but I never really knew anything about the grown up lady that little girl became. Thanks for sharing more of you.
Hi Susan, great to read your first piece and see you here on Wizzley! :)
Hi Susan52. Nice to meet you!
Hi Susan. Welcome to Wizzley. I have enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about you, and you family. :) I will know who to turn to advice when my daughter goes to college next year. I am having a lot of trouble with the idea of her moving out. :)
Just taking a moment to say hello and welcome to Wizzley. So pleased to see you here Susan :)
Thank you all for visiting and commenting. Jimmie, amen! :)
Glad to find out more about you Susan!
Delighted to see such a wonderful person and talent here.