Time Line - Facebook love it or loath it
by poshcoffeeco
This article talks about the new Timeline view which is now taking effect on Facebook.
What is Timeline
Who does it affect
The new Timeline changes which are now being rolled out on Facebook pages is causing a bit of a stir. I noticed it on someone's page yesterday and loved the look of it immediately.
So I made a start on changing my page by clicking the Timeline link and configuring my page.
It was done in seconds and it looks amazing.
Then I sent out the link around my friends and the comments started coming in. I could not believe the negativity. We live in a changing world and a technological society. Why on earth should all hell break loose before anyone has looked into what he thing can do for them.
I was getting comments back about people they know who have set it up and don't like it and how other sites have had it and it never worked.
For god's sake people get a grip and understand that things get better and better as technology gets better. Stop sticking your head in the ground in the hope that it will pass you by. Let me tell you it doesn't work like that and life is not like that.
In this game you have to develop with the developments or get left behind. If that is what you want then ignore new developments find a corner somewhere and die.
If you are not learning something new everyday in this life I am afraid you have died.
This going to change whether you like it or not so my advice is make the change yourself now by searching for' Get Timeline' button on Facebook and follow the instructions.
I Found It Easy
Will you?
As the title suggests when I changed my page to Timeline it went like a dream and it should do for you if you grasp the concept.
I cannot stress enough that the changes it makes is more than worth the little bit of initial inconvenience it may cause.
If you are still not convinced take the tour or check out a friends page who already has Timeline set up.
The biggest message I am trying to portray here is that change is good. It means that we are making progress. Further improvements will then be made as a result of this I am sure.
Become a Facebook expert with these books from Amazon
Facebook (Portuguese Edition)Only $7.99 | |
Facebook: The Inside StoryOnly $21.66 | |
Facebook All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies Series) | |
Facebook (Digital Media and Society 104)Only $19.0 | |
Facebook For DummiesOnly $18.0 | |
Ultimate Guide to Facebook AdvertisingOnly $9.99 |
Take The Plunge Today
Good luck everybody
I hope you have enjoyed my first article here on Wizzley. It is a brilliant platform for writing and produces stunning looking articles.
All that remains is to say good luck with the Facebook changes and don't forget to visit me on Facebook ( click the link above)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/bloghubber
Hub Pages: http://poshcoffeeco.hubpages.com
Hope to see you around the sites very soon
poshcoffeeco a.k.a Steve Mitchell
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I know we have to go with the flow, but I don't think that just because there's new technology, that means it's better. Timeline makes for a messy page with the two columns. The posts aren't in order. I see what you're saying about people resisting change, which I don't if it's a positive one. I still hate timeline! No offense. Just sayin!
Rule of thumb: go with the flow but some times I just don't want to :)
Doesn't it always seem like people are so resistant to change with things like this? It's like - great now we have to learn another thing! Lol.
Othercat I am glad you like the timeline. I agree it is much easier to navigate.
Thanks for commenting.
Broken Dreamer if you click this link you should get the button to click on
Let me know if you have any problems.
Thanks for reading and enjoying.
I absolutely love the new timeline! It's so much easier to navigate and the landscape picture makes it look better. I do wish they would stop trying to publicize every single thing in our lives though.
Umm... I feel a little stupid, but where is the time line button?
Welcome to Wizzley! I like this article. I neither love nor loath the changes... I just try to do the best I can to keep up! LOL
Katiem2 It is great to meet you and thanks for commenting.I am glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you around.
I love facebook, changes, meh they happen in my line of work all the time. I just learn to roll with the changes such as the time line facebook change so I don't love it or loath it, but I do love facebook, great article, thanks for the refreshing post. Katie