Tips On How To Save Money

by selfhelpwritter

One of the financial education you need to learn in this troubled economy is How to Save Money. Here are some tips that will get you started.

Too Much Month At The End Of The Money

"I have enough money to last me the rest of my life......                                                        unless I buy something." -Jackie Mason

The number of people that are struggling to cope financially has grown steadily over the last few years, specifically as the national economy has suffered a serious decline in vitality. More more people are going into debt on a daily basis and very few are able to live within their means. If you are having problems making ends meet, learning how you can save money is extremely important. No matter what the size of your family, nor your household's income, the following tips should help to minimize the amount of economic hardship that you have to cope with.


How To Save Money by Reducing Your Utility Bills.

One of your home's biggest costs is likely to be the utility bill. The average annual electricity bill in the US is more than $2000, and this figure is predicted to continue to rise in the coming decade. It is possible to reduce the amount you pay by investing in appliances that are energy efficient. Also, you should make a conscious effort to switch off any electrical devices and lights when not in use.
The way in which you pay your bills is likely to have a direct impact on how much you are charged for particular products and services. Most companies offer attractive discounts to customers who choose to pay through direct debit. Do not underestimate the savings that are on offer by using direct debit, especially when living a hand to mouth existence. You can check out the following books for further help on how you can save money on your utility bill.

Save Money on Food and Household Items

Think of what items you buy regularly which you do not actually need. For example if you have the habit of spending on magazines, DVDs, and junk food, work out how much money you could save by ending such purchases.

Food is a cost that has been steadily rising over the past decade. When next heading to your local grocery store, shop wisely. Buying in bulk can be a great way to save money, as would purchasing low cost brands. Though making one's own meals from scratch may seem like a chore, it is far cheaper than regularly purchasing processed food. Before going to shop for either your grocery or other household item, make a list of what you want to buy (What you actually need) and stick to it. Resist the urge of purchasing items that not on your list.

You Don't Need a Cable TV Subscription

Another household expense that you may be able to remove is your cable or satellite TV subscription.  Internet has made it possible for people to watch their favorite TV shows online. Paying monthly for an internet services and subscribing to a cable network is to a large extent a waste of funds. There are numerous site on the internet that allows you to watch a large variety of shows for free or a small subscription fee. You can check out Amazon Instant for access to a large number of TV Shows.

Saving Money on Vehicle and Insurance

Owning a vehicle is not just useful, for most people it is essential. Unfortunately the cost of running an automobile today is extremely high. There are steps you can take that should help to reduce the amount of gasoline you use each week. For example, if you were to use your accelerator less you should discover that fuel consumption improves. You should also find ways to reduce your monthly mileage, for example through car pooling and occasionally using public transport.
Insurance is a fact of life, but it does not have to be a service that costs a small fortune. You can bring down your household's insurance costs by using the same provider for each of the policies that you need. Most insurers reward customer loyalty attractively. If you were to use the same business to insure your home, car, and health you can minimize your outlay.

Updated: 10/03/2012, selfhelpwritter
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selfhelpwritter on 02/14/2012

Thanks Huagaia, I appreciate your comment and support.

humagaia on 02/14/2012

Some good tips here. I hope there is more to come. Welcome to Wizzley. You will find it a nice place to be, the people here will help you whenever you need it. Just pop to the forums and ask a question. Advice will be given freely - now there a saving on your advice costs in a stroke.

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