Travel Writing: A New Book that Lets you in on all the Secrets

by Maritravel

This is a book I have to recommend. I'm a travel writer myself and I only wish this had been available when I started out as it would have saved me many rejection slips!

As a travel writer I have reviewed novels many times because when the novel is well written, the location of the story becomes a character in itself and is often a better travel guide than those published. I’m thinking of Graham Hurley whose sleazy Portsmouth jumps out from the pages: James Lee Burke whose Louisiana lives and breathes (and was responsible for my first trip there): Ron Burdett whose Thailand is full of police corruption, prostitution and religion and anyone who knows Bangkok recognises it immediately: and Carl Hiassen whose humour and mayhem runs through his Florida stories like the water through the Everglades.

Now along comes a factual book on my own profession, travel writing, that is so good that I feel I have to bring it to everyone's attention.

About the Author, Solange Hando

Solange Hando (photographed above) is an Award winning travel writer and the number of places she’s covered since she started writing is just amazing.  She reckons her job to be a dream come true and wants to encourage everyone out there to join her in writing about travel.  I guess if you follow her advice, adopt her ‘can do’ attitude and laugh off the little irritations that come with the job, you too could become a travel writer. 

Cover of Be a Travel Writer by Solange Hando
Cover of Be a Travel Writer by Solange Hando
Solange Hando

The Book: the Whys and Wherefores

Solange has written a great little book on the craft of travel writing itself with more than a nod towards the photography side of things.  There are many ‘how to’ books out there (did I hear ‘too many’?) but this one really ticks all the boxes.  I confess I'm a little jealous too.  I had one of those "Now why didn't I think of that' moments when I got the book.

It’s full of the sort of things we travel writers all know instinctively, but it has taken Solange to put them into a concise book form and publish it.

This book will show you exactly how travel writing works, from getting the winning idea to how to approach editors and from how to cast your net  wide to how to secure a free trip.  There are tips on research, photography, markets, styles, people stories and how to grow your business.

I like the way she hammers home that ‘everything is possible, provided you have an original idea and the right approach’ and then goes on to show you exactly what she means.   And her emphasis on market research is spot on.  So few wannabe travel writers recognise that this is the No. 1 essential for success.  It’s boring, it’s time consuming, but it’s what pays dividends.  Without it you don’t stand a chance in today’s very competitive market.


Will the Advice Make you a Travel Writer?

Follow Solange’s advice which is covered in just 100 lively, easy to read pages, with anecdotes to make you smile and seasoned advice to help you move fast and avoid the pitfalls.

 'Be a Travel Writer, Live your Dreams, Sell your Features' is her step by step guide to writing and selling travel features.  It tells you the quickest way to break into the genre and to start earning cash.

Follow the advice and before long, you could be selling every travel article you write.

Sounds good?  Why not give it a go.


The author, Solange Hando, is a fellow member of the British Guild of Travel Writers and she has been published in 96 titles worldwide.  I have heard her give talks and joined her in workshops, and the experience has been enlightening  She shares her passion unreservedly in workshops around the country so if you hear of one near you, do yourself a favour and sign up!  If you read this book, and I hope you will, you will find that this passion comes off every page in the book which is endorsed by award-winning travel writers and already claiming its share of 5 star reviews.

No less a person than Hilary Bradt MBE (co-founder of Bradt travel guides) says: this is 'an upbeat, practical and no-nonsense guide…, packed full of tips to help you get started and succeed in the best job in the world.'


'Be a Travel Writer, Live your Dreams, Sell your Features' by Solange Hando

Published by John Hunt Publishing, June 2014

Available in major bookstores and on Amazon


Updated: 12/31/2015, Maritravel
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Maritravel on 10/17/2014

If you have an active Writers' Group in your area, Solange Hando is a very good speaker to invite. She is very inspiring.

ColettaTeske on 10/17/2014

Sounds like a very helpful book and so cool that you have worked with this author.

Maritravel on 09/13/2014

We're in agreement on this!

Mira on 09/13/2014

Right now it's Jeffrey Eugenides in Middlesex. I loved that book.

Maritravel on 09/12/2014

This really is a good book, the nuts and bolts are all spelled out. Who is your favourite author for "scene setting", i.e. using the place as an essential part of the story? Mine will always be James Lee Burke.

Mira on 09/12/2014

I'd be curious to read a book such as this one. Perhaps this one. I see it's $7.69 on Kindle, which is not too bad. And you're right about novels! :)

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