Using Creative Writing as an Emotional Outlet

by tinacollins

Do you often feel stressed? Do you wish there was a way you could release that emotional tension with ease? Then maybe you should consider using creative writing!

The Free Dictionary describes an Emotional Outlet as '...any venue used to relieve psychological stress – e.g. strenuous exercise, video games, etc...'

This articles focuses on the art of creative writing to relieve stress and solve problems in your everyday life.

Over the years I have used this craft to help me through some of the most difficult times of my whole existence.

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What method should I use?

It is a method that we can all use to relieve stress, anger or any other strong, difficult to handle, emotions that we may experience throughout our lives. 

What method you choose depends on the type of person you happen to be. If you are an creative person, for example, you may turn to painting, drawing, music or creative writing to relieve that build up of stress. 

For example, as a child, I used a journal to help me get through some very difficult periods in my life. These included:


The separation and divorce of my parents

The death of my father

Relationship difficulties (parents, siblings, stepfather...)


Unrecognised emotions and fears

My only regret? That I didn't keep all the journals...


Don McLean

But I am not a writer!

But are you something else?

You may not see yourself as a writer. But, if you write on Hubpages or blogs, even in a private journal then yes, you are!

However, you may not feel that writing is your strong point. So, you may want to consider using something else, which is fine!

Ask yourself 'What else can I do to vent my emotions?' You don't even have to be particularly good at a craft to receive some enjoyment out of it.

You don't even have to earn money. You can just do it as a hobby. This is often sufficient enough to release those pent up emotions.

But, don't forget - Practice makes perfect! You will get better; you will improve. 

What do you use as an Emotional Outlet?

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Ideas for Creative Writing

  1. Start a Blog
  2. Write a poem/song/story
  3. Describe your perfect day
  4. Describe your fears
  5. Take your notepad into a park and write down your observations.
  6. Describe what is happening in a picture of your choice.

Get Started!

The hardest thing to do is to start.

Find something that you enjoy. Now, start by taking small steps. Whenever you feel angry, upset etc. turn to your craft to vent your emotions. Tap into your creativity. Take a notepad with you everywhere you go. Write down your dreams, ideas, emotions and use them at a later date. 

If you wish, show others what you have achieved. See if they can recognise what you felt. Or, hide your work away and just use it for yourself.

Look back on past works and see if anything has changed.

Do you feel happier within yourself.

Do you feel more at peace?

Can you make sense of the work you have done?

These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself. Many more will materialise as you progress. 

Updated: 12/16/2024, tinacollins
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DerdriuMarriner on 02/27/2024

Thank you!

Your poll gives interesting results from 18 votes:
Creative Writing 50%
Painting 6%
Tapestry 6%
Photography 6%
Theatre 6%.

It lets in the "other" category, which musters the second-highest response total, at 28%, to the highest, creative writing at 50%.

My comment Dec. 9, 2023, notes talking into a recorder as an option to fingers too tired for keyboarding or writing.

Would that show up in a broken-down other category?

Perhaps, since as you write so prresciently below, "A very useful tool and if it helps, highly recommended"!

tinacollins on 02/27/2024

A very useful tool and if it helps, highly recommended

DerdriuMarriner on 12/09/2023

Creative writing assumes many forms.

How does talking into a recorder fit among actual writing and creative writing-aspiring activities?

Sometimes my hands just feel too tired to do the crayon/pen/pencil writing or the keyboarding!

Mira on 06/03/2013

I have come to believe that sometimes it's good to get closer to what you feel through writing, but it's just as important to take many steps back and do various other activities, creative or simply fun and relaxing (you listed many wonderful ones), in order to, well, relax, and get a better perspective on things.

Markets on 11/12/2011

I totally agree with you. I used to read a whole lot of stuff about writing (kinda makes me smile when I say this..) but it was only when I stumbled upon a book on freewriting that I actually started taking writing seriously.
So when I feel writer's block just around the corner, or some emotional issue, I just open up a word processor, turn off the monitor and start writing everything my mind spills out. Sometimes it's great content, sometimes I discover hidden facets I never knew I had. Writing is a great exercise to explore the inner self.
Great article you've got here, by the way :)

Ralpapajan on 09/03/2011

Thank you for this. Great Article.

WordCustard on 08/17/2011

Writing can be very cathartic and is a good way to explore an issue or worry from more than one angle, driving deep to the heart of the matter. Of course, as you point out, other creative expressions can also be therapeutic too and it's easy to lose yourself in the creation of something. I also agree with Michey that simply getting out in nature can make a difference.

Beautiful video, I've always loved that song, and his determination against the odds can be a lesson to us all.

Michey on 08/14/2011

So nice to read you on Wizzley. I voted for other because my emotional outlet is reading, go outdoors (maintains, camping).
This is great subject and very good idea for debate... as each of us has a different personality, and a specific angle to go thru life.
Thanks for a great post

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