1. They are free. If we are talking about business, we should know profit is made when you deduct costs from the revenue. If the costs are zero, one part of equation is optimized already. So you have more time to concentrate to the other half: the revenue.
2. Weebly is popular. It is among top 500 most visited sites on the internet. With more than 10 millions of sites hosted under that domain it is roughly the same rank as Squidoo or HubPages. This still doesn't guarantee it will be up 100 percent of time or search engines will index your site on Weebly fast (or at all) but it certainly offers good chances for that. In 2007 it was declared as one of top 50 sites in the world by choice of Times' editors. This means quality and calculating in web years there is tradition too!

3. Weebly sites are really easy to made. They are based on drag and drop concept of modules and there are tons of free already made designs available.
You don't need any HTML knowledge to set a site on Weebly but if you got any, you can use it to your full advance.
Did I mention there are many free tutorials for absolute beginners and for experienced users available?
4. It has a lot of features even in its basic form: you can use text, pictures, galleries, slideshows... It also includes contact forms, audio and video players and you can also add files to download. Weebly can be used as static site or blog or combination of both.
Do you have any experience with Weebly? Please share it with us!
I believe premium versions give you a chance for AdSense and all affiliate marketing ways to earn some money.
Your first Weebly basic considers that the site charges nothing even as it can be possible to earn something.
What revenue-generating sources does a Weebly presence make one eligible for?
Weebly has interesting and I think pretty successful business model. You can get a site for free (with some limitations), just like at wordpressDOTcom, or you can pay for full service which has better SEO options and this one is harder to recognize in search results because it has custom domain. I don't think Weebly is best option for blogging, blog is best used there only as a part of of a site, as some kind of news feed or announcements.
In my opinion best thing at Weebly is you can set really good site to try almost everything without paying for anything and without a hassle with technicalities.
BTW, JoHarrington has a site on Weebly: http://www.beautiful-britain.com/
Feel free to check it out:)
I have to explore Weebly option more closely - I see many reviews on Weebly these days. However - I have rarely come across a weebly site on Google search. Perhaps it has.. I do not know how to recognize a Weebly blog.
Thank you very much, ologsinquito:)
I"ve always liked this article, and I'm pinning it to "My Wizzley Writing Board."
You are right, JoHarrington, your site should be updated more often (RSS feeds don't count for bots), but I totally understand you. Most writers enjoy writing new stuff thousand times more than maintaining (editing, rewriting, updating) old ones. Anyway, site looks good to me and when you'll find additional hour you can always get back to it and add something fresh...
I set up my Beautiful Britain site there! I had all good intentions of keeping the blog up to date, and I even spent my first Wizzley wages on a domain name. Then kind of let it slide. I know that was wrong. :/
@CeresSchwarz: I never experienced any kind of problem with Weebly (except lack of traffic before I learned the basics of kw research and backlinking), so I can only repeat what I have heard - most of problems with security were reported in 2011 and it seems things are pretty much under control at the moment although I can't say how are thing working under PRO license because I use only free service.
Anyway, I would never use any site which is not 100 percent under my control for any kind of collecting of sensitive data (personal names, addresses, numbers of credit cards etc.). I still highly recommend using Weebly for alternative blog or mini site which can serve as additional source of traffic and is also useful for learning the basics of maintaining own sites which should be the ultimate goal on the web. In the end of the day everything is about authority and control. If you don't own the domain and you can't change your host when you want, you are limited at both.
Hello, ologsinquito, it looks like Jigsy is another easy to use free platform worth considering. Thanks for the heads up.
I look at all these opportunities only as support sites at first and I use them mainly for backlinks. If some of them will gain significant traffic which could be monetized, I would certainly consider payed versions with options to monetize this traffic or redirect the authority to sites under my control.