What Are Curses?

by tinacollins

A curse can be known as a jinx, the hex and the evil eye although it has many more name variations.

Some Curses surrounding Celebrities include James Dean - Silver Porsche Spyder, Billy Bob Thornton and the Wiccan Rule of Three.

Curses can be short-lived or extremely long running spanning many generations. It can be applied to objects, people, places and animals. But where did they originate, how do they start and who can place a curse?

The Tecumseh Curse

Tippecanoe Curse

The Kennedy curse is probably the most well-known of possible curses that has ever struck an entire family.

Back in the year 1811 a curse was placed on the US Presidency by a Native American Chieftain. It is known as the Tecumseh or Tippecanoe curse. The Governor of India in 1811, William Harrison, bribed Native Americans to give lands to the US government, and then handed out free whiskey to all of the tribes.

However, this angered the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh and he, along with the remaining braves, defended their land. In return, Harrison attacked Tecumseh's village and broke the resistance. The Chief's brother, Tenskwatawa, placed a curse on Harrison. When Harrison was elected US president in 1840 the curse finally took affect.

Harrison died of pneumonia 31 days after taking office. From then on, for 120 years, every president elected in a year ending in a zero died in office.

Abraham Lincoln - 1860 - Assassinated
James A. Garfield - 1880 - Assassinated
William McKinley - 1900 - Assassinated
Warren G. Harding - 1920 - Suspected Poisoning
Franklin D Roosevelt - 1940 - Massive stroke 5 years later.
JFK - 1960 - Shot (Assassinated) 3 years later.

Failed assassination attempts included
Ronald Reagan - 1980 - Shot in 1981. Bullet missed his heart by cms.
George W. Bush - 2000 - Gunman opened fire on Whitehouse in 2001


Title Photo Credit: Joe Shlabotnik via Compfight cc

The Hemingway Curse

Dr. Clarence Hemingway - suicide in 1928
Gregory Hemingway, 69, - found dead on Oct. 1
Ernest Hemingway - killed himself on July 2, 1961
Margaux Hemingway - 41 years old, suicide
Clarence Edmonds Hemingway 57- died by suicide
Ursula Hemingway Jepson - suicide by drug overdose, October 30, 1966.
Leicester Hemingway - suicide by a borrowed .22 pistol, September 13, 1982

The Kennedys

Curse affected Family

This is the Kennedy's Curse time-line:

Rose Marie Kennedy (1918 - 2005)
Following a secret Lobotomy in her 20's, she was institutionalised for the rest of her life. She underwent the surgery after being diagnosed with mental retardation.

Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. (1915 - 1944)
Died in a plane explosion over East Anglia during World War II. He was 29.

Kathleen Agnes Kennedy (1920 - 1948)
Died in a plane crash in France at only 28 years of age.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917 -1963)
Assassinated by Harvey Lee Oswald in the presidential car in Texas.

Robert Francis Kennedy (1925 - 1968)
Assassinated in Los Angeles, California.

David Kennedy (1955 - 1984)
Died from an overdose in a Florida hotel room.

Michael LeMoyne Kennedy (1958 - 1997)
Skied into a tree.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr (1960 - 1999)
Killed in a plane crash, Atlantic Ocean. Wife and sister also died.

Was Superman cursed?

Is it a bird...?

Marlon Brando
Brando played Superman's father in 1978. Brando lived until aged 80 but his life was blighted by misfortune. In 1990, his son, Christian, shot and killed his half sister Cheyenne's boyfriend, Dag Drollet. Cheyenne committed suicide by hanging 5 years later and Christian died of pneumonia in 2008 aged 49.

Christopher Reeve
Made the role of Superman his own. Suffered paralysis after a fall from his horse in 1995. He died nine years later from heart failure.

George Reeves
Played the first ever Superman on TV. He was found dead on 16 June 1959, just a few days before his wedding. His 'suicide' is thought to be a murder.

Updated: 12/02/2024, tinacollins
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DerdriuMarriner on 02/29/2024

Online sources appear to associate animal cursedness with (all? some?) snakes.

They cite for serpentine cursedness Genesis 3:14-15, "So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

But have you heard about what Tibetan Buddhism identifies as animal cursedness? It's shaggy-coated, sharp-clawed, sharp-toothed animals!

DerdriuMarriner on 12/09/2023

The second sentence in the second paragraph to your introduction clarifies that "It can be applied to objects, people, places and animals."

What might be examples of animals, objects and places that appear to be, or to have been, cursed?

frankbeswick on 06/13/2013

According to science this sort of thing should not happen, but I cannot rid myself of the feeling that something odd is going on. Remember, we do not understand the world as we think we do.

As a Christian, my nightly prayers include prayers for my enemies [yes, there are people who don't like me.] This is the opposite of cursing.

MikeRobbers on 06/13/2013

Very interesting cases you mention in your article. One can only wonder if it is only bad lack or if there is something else behind these cases.

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