What Are Hashtags - I keep hearing the question what's a hashtag as the little symbol enjoys a huge leap in popularity. You've no doubt been hearing the catchy phrase hashtag a lot lately. The real question is what exactly is the purpose of this buzz word in the here and now? It's a relatively new and yet not in that it's recently gained in popularity or awareness. It's a new term used in the social media. In general a hashtag is the pound or number symbol on the phone and or key board, now commonly referred to as a hashtag. It looks like this #
nickupton, Actually you can use hashtags both ways as hashtags have become so commonly used. Some people spam hashtags and that's a no no but if related to the content it's all good.
Thanks for that. Any hints on what to use as hashtags? Something general or very niche?
2uesday, Great glad you're now in the know. Thanks for visiting.
SharynsSlant, Yes do be mindful of how many you use, don't want to get a tap from twitter, such a useful tool. Also you will want to note anytime you twitter a link directly from Wizzley they have their own (wizzley) hashtag added. Which is good for all of us.
Brenda, You're welcome and thanks for your honesty, I have a feeling many don't know yet, it's just one of those things you hear it and think what? I mean I know what a hashtag is or the pound or number sign is but what's with all the chatter about it. :)
I did not know this. Thank you for clearing up my ignorance. lol
Angel, Good glad to hear it, I hear the question a lot in real life and thought hmmm maybe a good question to address online, glad to answer it.
Thank you. I had that on my list of questions. This article answered it.