Gossip has ruined countless relationships and has put enmity between many friends. It's a very destructive method of coping with anger, frustration and misunderstandings.
So many problems could be alleviated if people chose to do the right thing. This would be to ignore any misgivings you have about others and try to replace them with nice thoughts. Unfortunately, some people, instead, follow up on their suspicions with unkind talk.
If someone has done something to offend you, a much more constructive approach would be to speak to that person directly. Often, the matter can be cleared up then and there.
Flickr photo by digitalART2
Hi Lyra, I think you're absolutely right. Some people do gossip as a hobby. Thanks for reading.
Gossiping has become a hobby to some people. Many do not realize how gossiping can ruin one's life. I always try my best to stay away from gossip.
Thanks so much EllieS. It is a challenge to stay away from gossip, but it's so harmful, that we have to run in the other direction.
Staying away from gossiping friends is a challenge. Sometimes you must just let them go. By the way, great article!
They are not satisfied and they don't seem happy unless they're tearing someone else apart. But once they know we won't play that game they usually stop. Thanks for reading.
Then there are people who keep pushing you to say things you don't want to say about other people. And they're never satisfied.
I agree, it is hard to tell in the beginning. It might be totally sincere on the part of person talking. Unfortunately, gossips also use this tactic to spread their messages too. Thank you so much for reading and for commenting.
Indeed, gossip is bad. It's sometimes hard to know at the beginning of a conversation if the person is sincerely concerned about the other, or just spreading gossip. If we really care about other people we don't ignore their hard times, but try to be supportive.
HI teddletonmr,
Men relate to one another in different ways, and I don't think they gossip as much as women do. I think gossip is always a bad thing when it seeks to undermine others, when they're not present. There are some people who derive satisfaction from talking about others behind their backs. It is very sad.
Wow something to think about, your article has me wondering just a bit about why a gossip feels the need to talk about others behind their back. Is it that gossip is always a bad thing, or just the only way many people know to communicate with, and about other folk’s real life challenges?
Wanting to help, but not knowing how, or just a vindictive person hell bent on inflicting pain and suffering on others.