Winter Skin Care

by laura_quest

Looking after your skin this winter - how to beat the cold weather and keep your skin looking radiant throughout the colder months

Winter can be a tough time for the skin. Dry, red and chapped skin can all mount up to make us feel less than great. Much of the time, we'd rather escape to the sanctuary of the indoors, but this can be equally detrimental - central heating in shops and offices can also make our skin feel dry and tight. So just what is the solution?



One of the most effective things that you can do for your skin throughout the winter is to moisturise more. You should find a moisturiser which is suited to drier skin (even if this means switching from your regular cream) and go for oil based moisturisers. Many creams that are advertised as being for nighttime use will be oil based, and are readily available on the high street. You should also be careful that you choose "non-clogging" oil based creams that won't block your pores such as those containing aloe vera.

Moisturise every time that your skin begins to feel dry or tight, and be careful to moisturise every morning when you get up and every night before you go to sleep.


Wear Sunscreen

Although it may not look (or feel) like it, during the winter, your skin is still at risk of damage from harmful UV rays. Because of this, it's important that you splash on some sunscreen every morning before heading out of the house, and, if you spending lengthy periods of time outdoors, top it up regularly. This is particularly important if it's been snowing, as your skin can get burned due to the sun's reflection.

See a Dermatologist

Although there are literally tonnes of products on the market today, sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what you should use in order to get the best results for your skin. For this reason, you should try and see a dermatologist or other skin care specialist in order to establish just what can be done. There are a number of common skin conditions which can flare up during the winter months, and you may find that you are in need of prescription treatments. Conditions such as eczema are particularly problematic during the colder months.


Skin clinics such as Manor Skin Spa in Cheshire, will be able to do a thorough analysis of your skin, often using state-of-the-art technology such as Visia cameras which can show underlying damage and tell the specialist exactly what needs to be done.

Alter Your Environment

In the winter, we often spend more time with the heating on than off, but many heaters can actually dry out the skin making it feel rough and tight. For this reason, you should install humidifiers in your home and at work to ensure that the atmosphere is properly controlled and that there is just the right humidity to leave you feeling comfortable.

Avoid Wet Clothes

Although this might be easier said than done, you should try and avoid wet clothes as much as you can, as they can be extremely detrimental for your skin causing it to chap and look red and sore. Try to carry an extra pair of socks and gloves around with you so that if you do get caught in a downpour, you can get changed afterwards.


Updated: 10/18/2012, laura_quest
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katiem2 on 10/18/2012

Oh how I need this all the signs of winter are showing up on my skin and it's only fall, just in time to save my skin. Thanks :)K

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