6. Put some lemon essential oil in a diffuser when you’re in a mental slump. Studies show it stimulates rational left-brain thinking in the hippocampus.
7. If you have a sweet tooth, a whiff of lemon oil will curb that craving.
8. One of the simplest forms of detox is to squeeze the juice of a lemon into 12 ounces of warm water. Do this first thing in the morning upon waking.
9. For an eco-friendly cleaner, slice a lemon in half and sprinkle on some salt or borax. Use it like a sponge to clean a dirty tub or sink. The citric acid cuts through dirt without scratching surfaces.Using a lemon to clean will leave behind a pleasing smell that won’t make you wheeze or cough.
10. Lemons are great odor removers. If you’ve been peeling onions, pour lemon juice over your hands to remove the odor.
11. If your garbage disposal is smelling bad, simply drop some lemon wedges down there and let it run for a while with hot water flowing. Likewise, with smelly garbage cans. Just drop a few slices in the bottom and see if that doesn't help.
How do you use lemons?
Yup, lemons are wonderful. They're one of those common fruits we forget has so many uses.
With a huge lemon tree out the back that seems to always have 100s of lemons on it I might start having to make better use of them.
I believe that lemons are a great hormone regulator for older women going through the change of life. I pour hot water over half a lemon twice a day and drink it warm. It's wonderfully cleansing and helps menopausal symptoms. It also means I reduce my tea and coffee intake.
@khatha0808 Sounds good - I think I will.
You reminded me of the many uses of lemons! I knew some but not all of these, but had forgotten about them ! Thank you
Yes, smells work in the limbic regions of the brain. Anything to get rid of my sweet tooth :)
I came back to read this. " If you have a sweet tooth, a whiff of lemon oil will curb that craving." -- you mean smelling the vapors will curb the craving? Would it work with a sliced lemon too, I wonder? It does sound like a good idea.
Good luck!
Much better than chemicals.
I knew some of these uses but not all of them and will put one or two into action tomorrow!