As opposed to a partial body massage, people highly prefer full body massages as they offer multiple remedies to various parts of the body. The wholesome of the full body massage ensures that one gets the complete therapeutic value for their body at a go. The 60-minute procedure of full body massage poses numerous benefits to the one’s body.
18 Health Benefits of Having a Full Body Massage
by RobertKeith
Body massage, also known as massage therapy, is one of the most sought after non-medical therapies nowadays.
Reduces body muscle pain
Muscle pains occasionally occur to the various strains that one gets in the course of an activity. A full body massage ensures that such pains are eliminated by altering the pain-spasm-pain cycle that tired individual normally experiences. Getting an amazing massage achieves this by increasing blood circulation in the body parts where the muscles may be experiencing lack of oxygen. The fresh supply of oxygen helps to break down the excess acidity, therefore reducing or eliminating muscle pains.
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Enhances body flexibility
A good body massage would ensure that every part of the body, especially the muscles, ligaments, and tendons are touched and massaged well. The connective tissue, after a day-long activity is particularly affected as they tend to contract and cause joint aches and limiting one’s ability to move certain body parts such as the shoulder joints. The comprehensive body massage ensures that any contraction in the ligaments and muscles that normally cause joint aches is relaxed effectively and thus restoring one’s body flexibility.
Enhancing body posture
A good full body massage reaches out to the soft tissues of the body which normally when tired can limit one’s posture especially when siting, standing, or walking. Massaging such tissue ensures that their flexibility is effectively restored, therefore restoring one’s ability to maintain his or her normal posture.
Decreases edema
Body fluids can accumulate in certain parts of the body such as the legs over time due to prolonged standing or walking or even during pregnancy. It takes a full body massage to restore the fluid’s circulation.
Helps improve trauma recovery
Researchers have established that a body massage can help reduce the anxiety that grips the brain when one is exposed to anxiety or depression. This can be particularly helpful on individuals who have been abused physically and mentally as it helps achieve psychological recovery.
Improves cognitive functions
Studies have demonstrated that individuals who undergo full body massages have better cognitive functions such as memory and problem solving skills. This is because the massage relaxes the brain and improves cognition.
Improves sleep
Infants who are massaged on a daily basis normally experience a better sleep pattern and less of sleep deprivation. This is attributable to the fatigue-reducing qualities of a full body massage.
Reduces respiratory conditions such as asthma
Respiratory diseases such as asthma are normally caused by the inability of muscles concerned with respiration to relax and contract evenly. Massage normally helps restore the muscle’s ability to relax and work conventionally.
Maintenance of normal blood pressure
Body massages normally helps lower and stabilize blood pressure. This is because the massage opens up blood vessels that may be restrained.
Reduces fatigue
A full body massage is an excellent way to fully eliminate fatigue associated with muscles that have been overworked.
Improves reproductive health
Massage normally helps restore the body’s reproductive system. The relaxing activity of the massage helps restore the hormonal balance within the body, therefore eliminating the prospect of imbalance which interferes with reproduction.
Helps in healthy lactation in mothers
Stress hormones can counter the hormones which are associated with lactation. Massaging the body eliminates the stress hormones, therefore promoting healthy lactation.
Improves digestion
The digestive system is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system whose function is promoted by massages.
Cures migraines
Body massages to the head and the upper torso are critical in reducing pain associated with migraines, especially those caused by fatigue.
Easing back pain
Pains at the backbone are the most common sign that an individual is experiencing fatigue and strain. Massage, especially along the backbone reduces such pain by relaxing muscles as well as improving flow of fluids.
Improves post-surgical recovery process
A good full body massage promotes a patient’s recovery process in the period after surgery. The massage ensures good flow of blood into and out of the area of surgery, therefore improving on the wound’s healing.
Improves immune functions
A full body massage promotes the body’s ability to stay therapeutically well by improving immune functions.
Helps cure nerve pain syndrome
A full body massage helps relax muscles that are affected by numbness. The relaxing properties of the massage help to loosen grip of muscles on certain areas of the body affected by pain.
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