Innocent people are assaulted in quiet suburban settings, rustic rural locales and--still--the streets of urban centers. USA Today reported in late 2017 that violent crime was rising for a second consecutive year. Yet even if they were declining, the occurrences of muggings, robberies, rapes and murders are still unacceptably commonplace. Accordingly, a larger percentage of the populace is procuring and training with a personal firearm for their own protection. Such a recourse stems from sound reason, supported by several significant facts.

5 Reasons Why You Need a FireArm for Your Protection
by RobertKeith
It is a sad fact of life that places once thought safe from crime are now vulnerable.
Repel Home Invasion
Home invasion is a broad term, and could refer to burglary, kidnapping, domestic violence or terrorism. Restricting the definition to burglary, the U.S. Department of Justice determined that out of almost four-million burglaries over a four-year period, one-million of them occurred when a household member was present. Over a quarter of these residents experienced a violent act by the perpetrator(s).
Countless local newspaper articles (the national media generally avoids these stories) recount incidents where armed residents either neutralize or scare off intruders with intent to steal property and commit atrocities. As long as there is a right to private property--and a right to self-defense--ownership of, and comfort with, a gun is a sound investment of time and money.
![]() Firearms |
Complement Self-Defense Training
Often, those concerned for personal safety enroll in martial arts classes. Proficiency in such systems gives an individual strength, confidence and the ability to fend off many kinds of attack in close quarters. It can even convey the skills to disarm someone menacing with a gun or knife. Serious reflection, however, confirms that--movies and TV notwithstanding--even highly skilled warriors are at a disadvantage against equally savvy opponents who know how to shoot. A gun is an extra arrow in the quiver (to mix a metaphor!).
No slouch with fists or feet, the legendary martial artist Chuck Norris is a long-time supporter of gun owners. One of his more quotable lines is, "If some thug breaks into my home I can use my roundhouse kick, but I prefer he look down the barrel of my gun.”
While some traditionalists believe firearm proficiency dilutes these ancient systems of self-defense, champions like Norris see it as a vital complement to his already lethal arsenal. Criminals are more sophisticated in their craft; their targets should likewise have an array of responses at hand.
Protecting Self...and Others, Too
From knife-wielding assailants to armed robbers to church shooters, concealed carriers foil potential tragedies on a regular basis. For example, a Pennsylvania army veteran was able to prevent a menacing man with a knife from drawing near to his wife when he shot the crazed aggressor with his 9mm pistol. In another instance, a Texas patron defended two female bartenders from robbery and worse by shooting two of the four criminals. In yet another good Samaritan episode, a man dispatched two thugs fro assaulting a woman changing a tire in Ohio. Training in self-protection makes you an asset to society, as well.
All said, well-trsined carriers of well-designed firearms -- Lucky 13 e.g. --benefit the general quality of life in whatever community they find themselves. As much anecdotal evidence affirms, crime is deterred or at least diminished when a seasoned and legal shooter is on the scene. Anti-gun media will dispute it furiously but common sense favors conceal carry as way to inhibit and take out violent criminals.
Sharpening Sensory Awareness and Reflexes
Regular use of a firearm--in target shooting, hunting etc--improves perceptive abilities as well as reflexes. One study modeled after the Olympic marksmanship trials demonstrated improved movement precision among subjects. In fact, comprehensive firearm training exercises faculties like situational awareness, stress management and reflex muscle memory. Elevated perception is an excellent tool for avoiding danger altogether.
Preserving Liberty
Very few peoples gain freedom without firing a shot. Fewer keep it. A consistent trait of governments is to encroach on the very liberty it is charged to preserve. What makes a regime go this far and no farther is the prospect of conflict with an armed constituency. Firearms protect people and their constitutional rights.
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