Home sweet home—the place that welcomes you like a warm hug. Surely, nothing bad can happen there, right? Wrong. On average, one home is burglarized every 15 seconds in the United States. Just think of how many crimes have been committed since you logged on to your computer. Scary, isn’t it?
The best defence against an intruder in your home is to learn to think like one. Knowing how burglars select victims, how they gain access, and what measures you can take to fortify your kingdom will better protect you from becoming a statistic. Your house could be screaming out “come in and rob me blind” and you don’t even know it.
Thank you "knotafraid." I must confess to owning a wee bit of "paranoia," and relieved that I did not communicate that fact.
Thanks, Susan! Yes, it is nice to know that there aren't any freaky people hiding behind your bushes. And, yes, it takes a special kind of freaky person to hide behind a snowbank in a cold Canadian winter!
Good stuff. I like the no shrub thing..even coming at home at night. Get rid of that spooky stuff. The odd lights going on and off could be a good idea too...No worries in the winter in Canada with our snowbanks.