Disposable medical equipment is becoming increasingly common in medical facilities, as it has many advantages over traditional, reusable equipment. If you're looking for new medical equipment for your facility, then you will find this article helpful Below are 9 reasons single-use equipment will help launch the medical field into the future.

9 Reasons Disposable Medical Equipment Is The Future
by RobertKeith
Looking at getting new medical equipment? Inside this article you'll discover the 9 reasons disposable medical equipment in the future. Number one is important.
1. Lower risk of infection
Healthcare-associated infections are a serious concern in medical facilities. One way that infections can spread between patients is via improperly or insufficiently sterilized medical equipment. Single-use medical equipment is delivered in a sterilized package, is used once on a single patient, and is discarded directly afterward. It effectively eliminates a major mode of infection transmission in medical treatment centers.
2. Greater practicality of mobile treatment
Single-use medical equipment can be easily transported for mobile care in non-medical center locations, such as the homes of homebound patients. It is logistically much easier to use at these locations than reusable equipment, as it can be disposed of immediately in a Sharps bin. Medical staff do not have to concern themselves with how to safely sterilize and transport equipment back to a medical facility.
3. Less staff time
Sterilization and maintenance of reusable medical equipment must be performed regularly and systematically. This takes up a lot of work time for doctors, nurses, technicians and maintenance workers. Disposable medical equipment is immediately ready for use and can be discarded minutes after a procedure, freeing up staff time for patient care and other critical tasks.
4. Lower cost of maintenance
Maintenance of reusable medical equipment takes not only time, but also a significant financial investment. Repairs, replacement parts and sterilization supplies require a substantial budget. The one time cost of purchasing single-use equipment is significantly outweighed by the costs of maintaining reusable equipment.
5. Reduced chemical hazards
Disposable products don’t require extensive use of chemical detergent products, which are required for the sterilization of reusable equipment. Over time, the elimination of frequent use of harsh chemical products will have a positive effect on the natural environment.
6. Patient confidence
The risk of acquiring an infection in a medical facility is a common worry among patients. Single-use medical equipment can help to ease patient fears. It is delivered in a sealed pouch that not only appears clean but has been sterilized by the manufacturer according to strict regulations. Patients know that the equipment has never been opened or used on another patient before. This can provide them with a strong source of confidence in their medical care.
7. More efficient patient care
Not only do single-use medical supplies save time and money, they also help to ease administrative inefficiencies associated with reusable medical products. Many times, patients’ procedures may be delayed due to inefficient preparation of a medical device. This will not be an issue with disposable medical equipment because it is delivered ready for use and is therefore less vulnerable to administrative delays.
8. Light, efficient packaging
Though disposable products may seem more wasteful than reusable ones, they are often delivered in environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging. They are generally shipped in light, compact packages. They must only be packaged once, while reusable equipment must be packaged multiple times for reprocessing or maintenance.
9. Safer batteries
Increasingly, disposable medical equipment is being manufactured to run on alkaline batteries. These are less toxic to the environment than some other common battery types that are used in reusable equipment, such as lithium-ion battery packs. These batteries can leach harmful chemicals when they expire, risking the health of medical staff members, patients and the natural environment.
These are 9 major ways that disposable medical products can lead medical practices into the future. The ever-improving technology of disposable equipment can help lower the risk of healthcare associated infections, safe staff time and money, provide more efficient, reassuring patient care, and decrease the harmful effects of medical materials on the natural environment.
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