A Product Review My Experience With Kindle Fire

by katiem2

Find out what I've learned from owning a Kindle Fire. The Kindle Fire is a very good product for the money.

After using and playing around with the Kindle Fire I find it to be on my can't be without it list.

Its like having a iPad or the like only in a more functional size and at a fraction of the cost. It's amazing, look, feel, graphics, apps, oh and movies, they look and sound amazing.

Oh and did I mention how great youtube videos sound as yes I can access the internet with my kindle fire. What I got with this product is far more than I imagined.

We are thrilled with the new Kindle Fire. I won't think twice about buying another and another as I know anyone I buy one for will be very grateful.

My Experience with Kindle Fire a Review

The Kindle Fire packs all the bells and whistles is a quality product that's well worth the money.


I bought a Kindle Fire for my teenager, who told me she did not want one. She told me, don't waste your money on something like that, I'm sure its junk. I got it anyway because my daughter is a rare breed who never want's anything. She's very frugal, and yes she is a teenager. I was confident it was going to be a good product. I insisted (between me and myself) on giving her a nice Christmas. Plus I was really curious to see if I could satisfy my very practical, smart and tech savvy teen, if she liked it, it was good.


To my delight she has not put the Kindle Fire down since Christmas. Its just like an iPad she says, it does all the same stuff. I got her a $50.00 dollar amazon gift card to go with it so she could buy books, games and apps. It came with so much stuff she hasn't spent over five dollars of her gift card, remember she is frugal a normal teen would have no doubt spent that by now.  There's just so much that comes with it, there's no immediate need to spend money buying more apps, etc.  She even found you could access free books.  


The Truth About Kindle Fire

What you can expect from the kindle fire.

I'm thrilled with this gift it did exactly what I hoped it would, put a smile on her face and gave her something useful and fun. I can't believe the quality of her Kindle Fire, it performs so well, the graphics and sound is phenomenal.

The Kindle Fire is amazing, it's a nice size, easy to handle but not to small, it works off our home wi-fi and is actually very much like a iPad or other related products. She uses it to access the web, homework, watches videos and listens with her head phones so's not to interrupt anyone. This has been one of those Christmas gifts I know she'll think about many years to come anytime she thinks about her best gifts ever.

Amazon is a trusted company I've enjoyed doing business with never having any issues with them. In fact when I heard about it on television I knew they were on to something genius. They're delivering a trendy product with all the bells and whistles at a very competitive price that also utilizes their products. Amazon had to know once people got their Kindle Fire in hand they would tell everyone about how great it was and the amount it cost would never come into question as it does in fact compare to the iPad and other fancy tablets costing more than double the cost of a kindle fire. I like the smaller size as compared to an iPad, it's not as big, it fits better into bags and fits more easily in the hand without the risk of fumbling and dropping it. It's just right, like I said Amazon really knew what they were doing when they developed this product for sale.

We're tickled pink with our Kindle Fire in fact, yes I had to have one myself as did my younger daughter, for the price and all its uses owning one is a no brainer.

Enjoy Your Kindle Fire, Katie


Updated: 03/19/2013, katiem2
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katiem2 on 11/23/2012

Mira, We have been more than pleased with our Kindle Fire. It's amazing, who needs an iPad when you have a Kindle... :)

Mira on 11/23/2012

I just looked on Amazon and it's one of their bestselling items yet again. It's the No. 1 bestseller in electronics. I love the screen at this new tablet. My best friend's son enjoys it for all kinds of fun games.

katiem2 on 01/26/2012

Skaekelly, The fire reader is an amazing electronic toy to have on hand and that's the key its easy to have on hand... T

katiem2 on 01/24/2012

kinworm, The fire is so cool, I still get awed finding new functions and apps everyday. The fire has great graphics and sound, you'r gonna love Love LOVE it!

Marie on 01/24/2012

I'm just waiting for the Kindle Fire to come in the UK. I want it mainly for watching digital movies because I don't watch TV but I do enjoy DVDs. I have a Kindle for book reading but I would also read books on the Fire too.

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