Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain

by AlanJansson

Acupuncture is highly effective for lower back pain, says Alan Jansson, an acupuncturist with over 30 years of clinical experience.

I'm sure you're familiar with this situation: You're about to pick up a heavy object, while you're in a hurry, or your thoughts are somewhere else, and then it happens. Ouch! You "threw" your back out. And you know right then and there, this is going to hurt for a while, and you'll have to be very careful with your movements.

You're not alone. Studies suggest that about 85% of all people will have to deal with lower back pain at some point in their lives. Many of them will seek help through their family physicians. They'll get medicated and ordered to rest for a while, but the pain persists. As an alternative approach, acupuncture has proven to be incredibly effective. Patients report fast and permanent pain relieve.

Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain
Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

From lack of physical activity to stress

Are you a couch potato? Does your work keep you in an office chair all day long?

A sedentary lifestyle causes muscle atrophy. When muscles weaken and shrink, the blood circulation diminishes and causes tension. Instead of addressing the problem right away---through stretching and exercising---we often choose a more "comfortable" position and continue with our regular activities. However, this is a vicious, self-destructive cycle.

As the blood flow gets weaker and weaker, our pain increases and soon we run out of alternative postures. We suffer from chronic lower back pain.

Are you stressed out? 

Many folks have to work long hours, some even hold down 2 or 3 jobs. Juggling work and family life can be extremely demanding. 

Physical as well as psychological stress situations are major contributors to back problems. Then, all it takes is a wrong move ... and the cycle begins.

In the following brief video I talk more about lower back pain and how I use Japanese acupuncture to reduce or eliminate the pain.

Types Of Lower Back Pain And Treatment Options

There are different types of lower back pain: 

  • A constant, nagging ache that won't really debilitate you but will certainly lower the quality of your life. It's also known as the kidney deficiency syndrome, and it has much to do with your lifestyle and your general condition.
  • When untreated, it develops into severe pain when bending over and great difficulties in straightening back up.
  • Eventually you may experience sciatica: excruciating neural pain shooting down your leg.

As I've said in the video, I myself have received Japanese acupuncture treatments in my clinic, after the suitcase accident at the airport. It has worked perfectly for me.

It is very important that you seek treatment as soon as possible after the onset of your pain. This will prevent your situation from deteriorating into more severe issues.

Please find more videos and information on my website, Acupuncture Gold Coast, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have with regard to the effectiveness of Japanese acupuncture for lower back pain.

Learn more about Alan Jansson and Japanese Acupuncture

Characteristics and benefits of Japanese acupuncture, presented by Alan Jansson, a world-renowned teacher and practitioner from Miami/Gold Coast in Australia.
Updated: 06/08/2012, AlanJansson
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