Should You Try

by pkmcr is probably the best known Genealogy or Family History site in the World. Not sure whether to try it to help you with finding your ancestors and genealogy research?

Have you been wondering whether to try to help you with your Family History or Genealogy and are not sure whether it's worth it? Let's take a look at the benefits of the site and what you can get from it. formerly known as The Generations Network is one of the largest and the best genealogy sites currently available.

It operates a network of historical records and genealogical websites focused on the US and nine other foreign countries, as well as developing and marketing genealogical software and various other genealogical related services.

The site allows you to locate your family tree and ancestors by using information you have submitted to search their databases.

Benefits of Using Ancestry.Com For Family History Research

So if you try what are you going to get from it? What are the key features and benefits of using the site?  Let's take a look!

Has the Largest Genealogy Database

It has a massive database that the stores a range of data and document collections that include; comprehensive US, Irish, Canadian and UK voter records; census records; Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates; Card Catalogs; Military, Emigration and Immigration records; Public Member Trees, African American and Jewish and family listings; OneTreeWorld data, obituaries, newspaper articles and more.

Additionally, it is estimated that about 9 million names, 25,000 family stories, and 200,000 photographs are added to the database on a weekly basis. It is also estimated that the site contains over 4 billion names.

Extensive Search facilities

Allow you to narrow your searches down through, names; specific record such as military records, immigration records, etc; race; nationality; birth year; marriage year; death year; residences; birth location and death location so that you can get the most relevant results.

If you try, you will notice that the search feature allows you to enter vague information in the search box such that, even the slightest bit of information can set you on the right track to finding your next clue.

The Shoebox Facility

It helps you better manage entries or records you intend to view at a later time. All you need to do is to save an entry in your shoebox which you can view later without having to search for it again.

Ease of use

When you try Ancestry, you will find that it is easy to get started, navigate and use the site. Searching information is very easy, just hover your mouse over the search box, select the suitable drop down menu, and enter your searches. Narrowing or broadening your searches is dependent on the amount of details you have entered.


Though the site does not provide phone support, users get support by contacting their support team via live chat or email or by accessing the FAQs which are available online. The site has a Hire an Expert feature which assists users to complete some complex tasks, such as doing a background check on an individual, completing their family tree or even photographing a location for a fee.

Additionally, members have access to a comprehensive Member Directory where they get to interact with other members anonymously or otherwise to answer each other's questions and generally share experience. Members also have access to the existing forums to seek help.

Member Connections

This service allows registered members who are performing similar searches to contact one another anonymously or otherwise. This not only helps you to narrow your search, but it also increases your chances of getting in touch with a relative living in a different part of the globe.

DNA testing

This is a very unique feature provided by this site which allows you to determine your genetic lineage simply by ordering a DNA test kit. You are then required to send your DNA test kit or sample back to where they will test and keep updating you of any matches as more members keep on taking tests. Additionally these tests are offered at a very reasonable cost.

The Official Guide to

The Official Guide to

14-Day Free Trial of Ancestry

All new subscribers are entitled to a 14-day free trial period without having to create a login or pay a subscription fee until one is confident that the site will be useful in their search. The free trial has all the functionalities that the paid subscription has.

However, you must add your credit card details so that your card is charged a subscription fee after the trial period has expired. Thus, your trial period will automatically turn into a paid subscription and if you do don't wish to continue using the site; you should cancel your subscription before the trial period expires to avoid charges on your credit card.

Based on my own experience I am confident that when you try and see the incredible resources available, you are not likely to cancel.

14-Day Free Trial

14-Day Free Trial

Have You Downloaded The Ancestry App?


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Updated: 12/04/2016, pkmcr
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NausetViews on 08/11/2013

I can't believe that there are DNA kits available now too. Amazing! I've always wanted to research my father's family. I'm fortunate to have a family member who researched my mother's side and I'd like to know as much about my dad's side. One of these days when I have more time I hope to do so.

JohnTannahill on 07/16/2013

@ pkmcr - Yes, I am aware of the Scotland's People site and I've spent a bit of money on there researching my ancestors. I'm not sure but I have a feeling Ancestry has the census records for Scotland but, for births, deaths and marriages, it's a case of pay per click on Scotland's People. It's annoying.

pkmcr on 07/16/2013

@BrendaReeves thanks for sharing your experience

BrendaReeves on 07/15/2013

I use Ancestry and have been very happy with it.

pkmcr on 07/14/2013

@JohnTannahill sadly that's the problem with access to records from those two areas and general access to them. I am sure you are already aware of which is a very useful resource

JohnTannahill on 07/13/2013

Sadly, it doesn't help very much with N. Irish and Scottish ancestry and that's where most of mine come from. I'm hoping that will change.

pkmcr on 07/01/2013

@DustyToes thanks for the kind feedback and yes do give it a go when the time is right for you.

dustytoes on 07/01/2013

I've always wondered about this ancestry site. Thanks for the info. One day I may try it out.

pkmcr on 07/01/2013

@DianaGrant you are very welcome :-)

DianaGrant on 07/01/2013

Yes, that's what I needed to know - thanks

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