Cat Scrapbook Ideas

by pkmcr

If you love your cat as much as we love our rescue cat Charlie then of course you are going to want to scrapbook their lives and adventures!

Creating a scrapbook all about your cat would be something our cat Charlie would definitely approve of.

Have you had the good fortune to be owned by a cat? As many cat lovers will tell you a cat will be a great friend, but never be owned by a mere human! I don't know about you but for me that is one of the best things about cats. They are with you and give you all their love and company simply because they choose to and not because we "own" them.

Anyone who take care of a cat will tell you about this special bond with their furry friend. Now, creating a scrapbook is a great way to preserve treasured memories of a wonderful companionship.

Just looking at the memorabilia would remind us of the good times.

You may think scrapbooking is difficult, but don't worry because there are lots of doable cat scrapbook ideas for your project.

Celebrate Your Cat With These 7 Cat Scrapbook Ideas

Seven Cat Scrapbook Ideas To Get You Started - Charlie Approves of these Scrapbook Ideas!

You can start storing memories with this list of scrapbooking ideas which are intended to make you think about how you will put your own Cat Scrapbook together.

Kitten Days

Kittens are adorable and if you are planning to get one, you may want to start taking photos and recording the details of the first few days, particularly the first few hours of your life together. It would also be a good idea to include the veterinarian receipt and devote a page for your cat's medical records.

Now, if your pet's kitten days are way over, you could just use whatever pictures you have accumulated and add journal entries of what you remember. Then, you could embellish the pages with kitten stickers and paw prints.

Quotations About Cats

A lot of people have said plenty of fun and sweet things about cats - you will even find amazing cat quotations from Charles Dickens who believed that there's nothing like a cat's love, and Edgar Allan Poe, who wished he could write as mysterious as a cat (imagine that!) . You can put cat quotations on every scrapbook page.

Favorite Things

You could also feature the things your cat likes. If there is a favorite spot or a favorite toy, it would be a good idea to take pictures of her while using it. You may also want to take pictures of the quirky things she does (i.e. if she likes birdwatching, or if she has the habit of falling asleep on unusual places). You may want to use stamps, stickers, buttons or a piece of the yarn she likes to play with to embellish the pages.

Pictures of Cat-Love Moments

After sinking on the couch after a stressful day at work and finding your furry friend suddenly curled up on your lap, as if in commiseration, you may want pictures of those wonderful moments. Obviously you will want to get a family member or friend to capture those moments for you.

You will want to devote certain pages to your family's relationship with the cat. Photos of the kids hanging out with the cat would make a great addition to your scrapbook oo.

Tell Stories

Cat lovers have plenty of stories about their cats, as these pets could be rather unpredictable. They have a mind of their own and are likely to get in all sorts of shenanigans, most of which could get you smiling. You may want to take pictures or mementos of those moments and write your own cat story. You might appreciate the comic relief someday.

Cat-Inspired Thoughts

Cats also have this ability to look at us and make us feel as if they think we are foolish. In fact, a lot of cat lovers would agree that sometimes, their pets appear exasperated at what they do. You may want to keep a journal of the silly things that your cat gets you thinking about. You could use charms, stamps or stickers from your scrapbooking kit as accent pieces.

Cat Cards

You could also include cat cards in your scrapbook, especially if you feel that it is related to your cat. There are plenty of fun ones you can download and print; you may also want to check out scrapbooking and card stores for cat-inspired cards.

Every person who loves a cat should have something to remember a friend by, and these cat scrapbook ideas could help you started in preserving those wonderful memories.

Creating Your Cat Scrapbook

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Updated: 01/11/2017, pkmcr
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