Give me flowers and I'll smile for a week, give me an antique bronze Japanese Meiji vase and I'll adore you forever. Every time I look at it I'll think of your great taste and thoughtful gift giving. I promise that it won't sit in a lonely corner collecting dust, but will become a focal point of whatever room I put it in. The bronze patina will glow by the fireplace, shine in the sun on the doorstep and proudly hold Holiday greens on the foyer table. Here's a great selection to choose from. In addition to solely bronze Meiji vases, you'll find some that have beautiful enamel designs using either a Champleve or Cloisonne technique. Leave them as art work, use them as flower vases, perhaps transform one into a to-die-for lamp.

Antique Bronze Japanese Meiji Vases - Sophisticated Asian Home Decor and Accents
by Digby_Adams
A gorgeous selection of bronze Japanese vases to create an interesting and exotic home decor. Brilliant selection at fabulous prices.
Japanese art and dragons go together like bread and butter. You'll find them painted on Japanese meiji vases in bright and bold colors, you'll find them in more subtle relief patterns, and then there are the dragons that just slither up the side of the vase. So if you loved fantasy art as a teen, but have grown up and now own your own place, here's your chance to have very sophisticated dragon art.
Bronze-based sculpture develops a soft and mellow patina over time. I love art that also serves a purpose, so these vases won't sit empty for long. For a tranquil mood I'll place soft and flowing white or pale yellow flowers in them. When I'm having a party or want to infuse a space with energy, I'll add a huge bouquet of vivid lipstick red flowers. Don't forget that red is a traditional color of good luck in many Asian cultures.
You'll find simple Japanese Meiji bronze vases that reflect the simplicity of polished stones in a Zen garden as well. Soft organic colors complement the subtle rounded curves of these vases. Whether your have granite or wooden steps leading into your home, there is a Meiji vase that you'll love placing there. The dragons will help ward off the evil spirits and create a safe space for you and your family.
There's a wide variety of shapes available. You can opt for low and round or tall and a bit angular and everything in the middle. If you've got a spot that you're trying to harmonize then take its measurements so you won't be disappointed when the shape arrives. If you intend to use the vase for flowers or even to hold umbrellas, be sure to take this into consideration. Again I see no disprespect of art when you put it into service. While I have a large home, I really don't want to fill up the space trinkets that just sit there.
Antique Japanese Bronze Meiji Vases with Dragons
Exotic Home Accessories on ebay!
In addition to dragons the Japanese love to include soaring eagles, flying cranes, impish rabbits, and brilliantly plumed peacocks in their art. While I love the pure bronze Meiji vases. These artists also created mixed metal vases. Keep your eyes open for champleve-style Meiji vases. You'll see enamel included in the design. Artists do this by carving the design into the metal and leaving indentations. Then they pour enamel into the indentations and fire it. When it's cooled it is polished. A very beautiful vase is the result. It obviously has a lot more color than a solely bronze vase.
Cloisonne is another technique that Meiji artists use to infuse enamel into their design. First the artist uses a soldering technique to create compartments with a metal such as gold that will show in the finished design. These compartments are called cloisons in French. Then the enamel is placed in the compartment and it's fired. The design is similar but usually brighter and more well defined than the champleve style Meiji vases. So it truly is up to you how much color you want in your Asian decor.
Japanese Bronze Meiji Vases
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Cloisonne Style Bronze Meiji Vases
Great Asian Decor on Ebay!
Learn About Cloisonne
If you decide to buy a Cloisonne-style Meiji vase, you'll love understanding how your piece was made. It makes it very special when a house guest or afternoon visitor spies one of your treasured pieces and comments on it. Then you can explain how it was made and what technique was used.
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They sound beautiful! Home accessories from your family are the best. They hold so many memories and stories. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Best wishes
I liked the look of your introductory photo, and started reading your hub. I am amazed to find that I have several, not just one, in the style of these vases. I think mine are probably just reproductions, but, hey, who knows, maybe some of them are real! It doesn't matter really, because I'm not planning on selling them, as they adorn my home and were passed to me from my family.