Apple MacBook

by pkmcr

The Apple Macbook could be the laptop that makes a difference to the way you use your computer! You will find that it offers portability and useful working space

I don't know about you but I have found that more and more laptops these days tend to die all too quickly!

When I started looking around for a new laptop and being familiar with the excellent reputation that Apple has, a MacBook was something I started to look seriously at.

The Apple Macbook really stood out as offering good looks, powerful computing together with the all important portability and useful working space.

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Apple MacBook Review

Apple Macbook - the Good and The Areas For Improvement

One of the things that impresses people when they buy the Apple Macbook is that the packaging for it which is like a breath of fresh air. Nowadays it seems as if every technology item ships with excessive packaging, some of which may be almost impossible to get into. Certainly, unpacking can be hard work, but people always comment on the fact that this laptop is shipped in 'frustration-free' packaging. That makes it easier to unpack and you can recycle the packaging.

You are going to find that the Mac OS itself is different from other operating systems that you may be more familiar with currently.  It will obviously take you a little time to get used to.

However,  once you have been using it for a short time you are going to find that the software itself is relatively intuitive and easy to use.

It all gets off to a good start with the Apple Macbook MC516LL because once you plug it in and turn it on the system boots very quickly.

The included 250GB hard drive is smaller compared to many laptops that are available today, but is still sufficient. With the easy and cheap availability of external storage, this isn't a problem. The 2GB of memory may seem a little low, however with the Mac OS this is more than ample.

The processor is excellent-at 2.4GHz and with a dual core it is fast and responsive and handles multiple tasks well. The screen too is surprisingly good with a clear and bright display that is surprisingly readable for small a screen. The NVIDIA graphics chip gives far better performance when playing games and watching video than would be expected.

One of the biggest bonuses with this laptop is the battery life. At up to 10 hours, depending upon the processes that you are running, it is simply outstanding. Enough for almost a full day's work on a single charge if you are out and about, or for several movies although watching video does reduce the amount of time that the computer will run for.

Nothing is ever perfect is it so it is always good to be aware of the full story.  Some people have commented on connectivity being a little disappointing. Although the WiFi and BlueTooth work well, there are only 2 USB ports built into the laptop.

If you are keen on using a laptop cooler, which is a wise precaution with any laptop then that is going to leave you with only one USB port available for anything else, personally I don't think that is enough. However you can easily overcome it by using a USB hub,

The overall look and feel of this laptop is one of quality. Whilst the Apple Macbook MC516LL is more expensive than other laptops with similar hardware specifications, users generally report that the extra money is worth the investment. For me even with the lack of USB ports, this laptop feels like it could be worth the money!

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Updated: 02/14/2014, pkmcr
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Marie on 06/01/2011

I love Apple and PC products - bit of a gadget fan all round. I don't currently own a Mac but I have an iPhone which is awesome and am considering an iPad or a tablet at some point.

Dianne on 06/01/2011

I love my iMac. I love that all the USB ports are on the back and out of the way. I'm definitely a Mac convert!

SquidRich on 05/29/2011

Very nice review. I may consider an Apple Macbook when it comes time to change.

Guest on 05/28/2011

I love my Macbook - and my desktop iMac. I am with chefkeem - couldn't live with out them.

chefkeem on 05/28/2011

I've got one. And a desktop iMac, too. Couldn't live without them.
Your review is very accurate, Paul. :)

John Dilbeck on 05/28/2011

All I use are Macs and Linux/Unix computers. Haven't touched windows since the 20th century. I'm writing this on a Macbook Pro and I use this computer 10-12 hours every day.

I use it mostly with OS X, but it comes with a full Unix system built in and I use that now and then.

I wouldn't use anything else.

I have a 27-inch iMac on my desktop, but I tend to use the Macbook most of the time.

Susan52 on 05/28/2011

I'll admit that I avoid learning curves, but I might make an exception to change from a PC to a Macbook!

petunia on 05/28/2011

I know people who have a Macbook seriously love them! I enjoyed reading your honest and detailed review.

mbgphoto on 05/28/2011

Excellent review!

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