Ageism is discrimination based on age, without any evidence base, and is especially prejudicial and detrimental to the very old (often called “the elderly”). In this context, ageism is the inability or refusal to recognise the rights, needs, dignity, continuing contributions, and values of people in an older age group. (COTA, 2024)

As We Age - We React to Life's Challenges Differently
by Jo_Murphy
Let's launch into taking a humorous look at society's refusal to recognise the rights, needs, dignity, continuing contributions, and values of people in an older age group.
Fighting Back Against Prejudice in a Non-Confrontational Way
Keep it light - keep it subtle.
Agism is described by the American Psychological Association as the last acceptable prejudice. They say Ageism is a stubborn prejudice.
"People of all ages show bias against older adults, though the way they express it changes over the lifespan".
I enjoy making products and creating artworks that express jokes because this practice makes it so much easier to fight back against against prejudice in a non-confrontational way.
Older people who have a wealth of experience have so much to offer.
I like this joke, (one of the jokes provided for us by RedBubble) because it captures how fruitful the wisdom of old age can be. I created the cartoon in DreamUp and enhanced it in Photoshop
Bourdieu liked to talk about HABITUS
The way we perceive and react to the world around us.
Bourdieu liked to talk about HABITUS and by this he meant the way a person of a particular background perceives and reacts to the world.
Some people also call this sphere of influence a 'field'. We can't always control who we have to work with, or who we associate with, but we can control our reaction to whatever comes our way.
Some people like to call older people 'lovey' and 'lovely' (among other things). Sometimes older people perceive this as friendly and other times it comes across as patronising.
Language which refers to people unknown to you in terms of endearment ('My dear', 'Darling', 'Love', and 'Dear' when used in speech) is patronising, condescending and promotes trivialisation. These forms should not be used unless the interlocutor has a close relationship with the speaker. (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2024) How I deal with this phenomenon is to keep my mind set firmly on my goals. I can even laugh inside and imagine myself off on my Grey Nomad travels, knowing that the people patronising me won't be going on those jaunts anytime soon.
But what should you say when someone says, “You’re old”?

For the unlearned old age is winter
For the learned, it is the season of the harvest
Hasidism is a mystical Jewish movement founded in Poland in the 18th century in reaction to the rigid academicism of rabbinical Judaism.
I like this quote because it reflects how I think about my life thus far. I have gotten to a stage in the road where I can retire out and turn to art.
Artistic creation is not just a way to make a living, and a way to look back into life's events it is a nomadic venture that can come with me as I travel as a grey nomad.
Leaning back on my artistic education I am getting ready to enjoy thetime of harvest.
The One Who Adapts Survives
Charles Darwin had a take on who would get by at the end of the day.
It has come to my attention that Charles Darwin didn't actually say "The one who is best able to adapt survives".
Instead it was Leon Megginson, a prolific author of textbooks and a prominent teacher in management studies,‘I learned a lot of good things from Leon Megginson’s classes. One of the most valuable things I heard him say went something like this: Charles Darwin didn’t say that only the strong survive. What he said was that those who survive are the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it.’
Megginson had an interest in the theories of evolution through ‘mutual aid’ advocated by the Russian zoologist Karl Kessler, and his statements about Darwin clearly reflect that.
This is not a controversy, it does seem that people who are able to accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it are going to have a healthy view when aging.
Successful aging is multidimensional, encompassing the avoidance of disease and disability, the maintenance of high physical and cognitive function, and sustained engagement in social and productive activities. Research has identified factors predictive of success in these critical domains. The stage is set for intervention studies to enhance the proportion of our population aging successfully.
Artistic Influence and Facing Aging Squarely
A Head on Look at Capturing Life's Process
There are two artists who have influenced me throughout my artistic career.
Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo.
When I have my next exhibition you will see that I have emulated both women in a variety of ways.
Like Frida Kahlo, I am taking a good hard look at life. Not just the good bits, and the fluffy selfies but the hard bits, the hot bits and the "hang on 'til you get through this stage' bits.
But as well, like Georgia O'Keeffe, I want to take a close up look at nature.
I am interested in the healing properties of plants, and in studying the interactions and interdependencies of organic gardening.
The Lyricism of Marginality
(Goodness What Does That Mean?)
What does docile mean? That is the first question.
At times old age can bring with it fear and timidity. The definition of docile means "ready to accept control or instruction; submissive". (Oxford Languages).
Older people can be marginalised, but probably nomads because they want to be. Over the next few years I will be looking at the process of aging and journaling my own choices over that period of time with regards freedom, empowerment and marginality.
I hope you can join me on that journey.
COTA Australia (2024) Ageism and Discrimination.
Darwin Correspondence Project. The evolution of a misquotation. Accessed Mar, 2024.
Murphy.J. (2024) Clitoria Ternatea is Called the Blue Butterfly and Darwin-Pea
Rowe JW, Kahn RL. Successful aging. Gerontologist. 1997 Aug;37(4):433-40. doi: 10.1093/geront/37.4.433. PMID: 9279031.
Vemuri. C. (2008) Foucault-Lyricism of marginality. Accessed March 2
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I Welcome Your Comments and Questions
Hi, Thank you and sorry for the late reply.
I hear what you are saying about aging.
Enjoy life!
That's the trick,
I now embrace Crocs. When my kids were younger, they would tell me, "Mom, don't wear those ugly crocs out in public." NOW everyone is wearing crocs. I have several pairs. The best thing for me in regard to getting older is I don't fret about much of anything. I adapt and move on, enjoying all life has to offer. Great article! I love your art!
Yes. Later, I will have a play with mix or match. Students love doing that kind of stuff when learning about designing.
So that one comes from ArtsCow. It is an entirely different company, and I am only now experimenting with it. It is just called 'shirt'.
It is synthetic - like rayon. (I bought that one)
Western Australia is the top region by GDP per capita in Australia. As of 2021, GDP per capita in Western Australia was $135,479 AU
This surprises me I would have thought there was a great deal of poverty among First Nation People. Shows what I know.
The hoodie, third-last image is simple-comfortably, simple-elegantly attractive.
Might it be a lightweight, pullover or zippered hoodie?
It would be quite striking with leggings or miniskirt in that color or in the gray pattern of the last-most image.
The bottom-most image is an attractive top.
Might the sleeves be three-quarter- or wrist-length but rollable to above-elbow because of a button tab?
How would it fit into the hoodie, sweatshirt, t-shirt, top clothes categorization?
The long-skirted, three-quarter-sleeved dress under the fifth subheading Artistic Influence and Facing Aging Squarely A Head on Look at Capturing Life's Process is attractive, comfortable-looking, with possible formal and informal applications.
What is the material?
Might the design be AI-, AI and you-, or you-invented?
Thank you!
That's interesting about the state Victoria.
Might that state be where the wealthiest Australians live?