How To Ask For A Raise

by pkmcr

Do you think you are worth more than you are being paid? Asking for a raise can be challenging so let's take a look at what you need to do to secure that pay rise.

Do you feel that you are not being paid what your worth? Even in these difficult economic times you need to ensure that you are being paid what you are worth to your employer.

However, it can be quite a challenge to work out how you should go about asking for a raise. However, you can do it!

But in order to have this discussion with your employer and get an increase in your salary if you go about it the right way.

Remember, that even in these difficult times, your skills, knowledge and abilities have a value to your employer. You need to ensure that your employer understands that you know your value to them.

How To Ask Your Boss For A Raise

How To Get The Salary You Deserve

When it comes to asking your boss for a pay rise the first thing you need to do is your research. If you are here then I am assuming that you believe that you are not being paid as much as you should be.  But how do you know that you’re not being paid enough?  The best way to establish whether you are being paid the going rate is to look at what other people/roles with have similar responsibilities and experience in your industry are being paid. 

You can do this, by looking at job postings that report salary, talk with people in professional organizations that can give you an idea about salary, and look at Department of Labor statistics.  You can also just talk to others who do what you do and find out the going rate (if people are willing to share salary information with you).

After you have a salary that seems to apply to what you do or is pretty close it’s time to start negotiations.  But before you bring up money with your current or future boss, it’s important to evaluate why you deserve to be paid more.

Make a list of your accomplishments at your office.  Have you been able to sign on new clients?  Have you streamlined a process and saved the company time and money?  Have you reached or surpassed your yearly goals?  These are things to keep in mind when discussing an increase in salary.

When it comes to a job offer, make sure that the job fits your experience.  Many times a salary is lower than you expect because the job is actually a lower level job that your qualifications allow.  In that case, you’ll want to talk with the employer about making the job fit you better.

It’s important to discuss the job qualifications and requirements and if you can offer more experience, discuss making the job one with more responsibilities.  This can lead to a natural progression into a higher salary.

When discussing salary, make sure to have a salary offer before you begin discussing money.  If you haven’t been told about salary, it’s okay to ask about a range after you’ve been through the interview process. 

Many times employers will ask about your previous salary to get an idea of how much they can pay you.  Don’t be dishonest about this, but do mention that you feel like your experience at your previous job has added value to your skills and that you think you should make a higher amount. 

How To For A Pay Increase

How To Negotiate A Pay Rise
How to Ask for a Raise: Negotiating Y...
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Pl...
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What Makes Great Managers Great: How ...
Houndstooth Press
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Mastering the Art of Asking for a Raise
BossBook Briefs
Only $6.08
Updated: 06/22/2014, pkmcr
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artsNink on 06/01/2011

wonderful information

Dianne on 05/30/2011

Asking for a raise is not one of my favorite things to do. I like working for myself so I can work harder and give myself a raise!

SquidRich on 05/29/2011

I wish I had someone to ask for a pay rise. Soon, I hope. This solid information will certainly help when the time comes!

Susan52 on 05/28/2011

I know someone who could use this advice right now. Whew, it's hard to ask for a raise and this is very helpful information!

nightbear on 05/28/2011

Interesting topic and will surely help so many people. It is so tough for people to stand up for themselves.

petunia on 05/27/2011

Paul, this is such good solid information, especially in this poor economy. It's hard to ask for a raise, and it is vital to present the request with pertinent facts. Many will benefit from this page, I am sure!

chefkeem on 05/27/2011

Tomorrow we will know more about who will be asking for a raise, Pep Guardiola or Sir Alex Ferguson?

ronpass on 05/27/2011

Very sound advice, Paul, for those asking for a raise. I can't recall having asked for a raise. However, I did decide on one occasion that I wanted to work for another public sector organization. So I visited the Boss and said if you let me do some organizational reviews, I'll design an action learning program for you (something I knew he wanted). We sealed the deal then and there and I spent a year with him - but I had to design the training program first before I got to do an organizational review. So, keeping in mind the needs of the Boss and showing how you match those needs, is a good basis for negotiating a pay rise. (BTW Paul - I love how you have tailored the title of the comment module to your keywords!).

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