Astrology: Mindless Obsession Or Fun Ancient Science?

by SASsy

Let's freeze the movement of each planet in the sky. To do this one would need an exact date, time and location on earth. The positions the planets have momentarily paused in can be graphed, calculated and written on a chart. This chart can then be interpreted using a combination of indicators to decipher ones life; their past, present and future. This is the main idea behind astrology.

But is it a mindless obsession or a fun ancient science? Thousands of years ago man looked to the sky to search for answers. All the world over cultures tracked, followed and plotted. They made diagrams and assessed what each calculation could possibly mean. For many it was the definitive indicator in life.

Fast-forward to modern times. Reading your horoscope in the local newspaper can be fun, but how many people actually take it seriously? How much does the average person truly know about astrology? For instance, most people know their birth sign; ARIES, TAURUS, etc. But of those people, who really knows that when you look up your traits in accordance to your chart, you should possibly be looking under an altogether separate sign?

For example: Susie was born on May 13, 1984 at 5:12 a.m. in Tulsa, OK. According to her astrological chart her sun sign/birth sign, or the position of the sun in the sky relevant to to the signs, is Taurus. HOWEVER, when she reads the descriptions of a Taurus she quickly realizes almost none of them match up. According to modern definitions Taurus are patient, stead-fast and can be kind of boring. Susie knows she is impatient, flighty and has a lot of energy.

What she (and many others) don't realize is she should be looking up her traits under an entirely different sign. The position of Susies ascendant at birth and according to her chart is in Aries; and the ascendant, as reported by astrology, is the face you put forth to the world. As she reads the traits under Aries, it starts to make more sense. She is a Taurus, but her demeanor, because of her ascendant, is Aries.

And that is just one example of the many intricacies and tangles of astrology. Back when people had the knowledge this type of information might have been commonplace. Today, however, astrology has been "debunked" and shrunk down to a few sentences located in the last pages of a magazine.

What, then, is the answer? Do some research of your own or talk openly with a modern day astrologer. Try to compute your own birth chart and search online or in books for what it all means relevant to you. Investigate it completely and exhaust all avenues. Then, and only then, should you make your decision; astrology: mindless obsession or fun ancient science?

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
Taylor Trade Publishing
$19.12  $7.39
Llewellyn's 2025 Daily Planetary Guid...
Llewellyn Publications
$12.59  $13.85
Guided Astrology Workbook: A Step-by-...
$9.53  $5.54
Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the St...
$20.57  $45.0
The Complete Guide to Astrology: Unde...
$8.85  $2.18
Updated: 06/15/2011, SASsy
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