aka Trish Harmon from Odessa, Mo., United States (61 years). Wizzley author for 13 years. 32%
I will turn 48 this November. I work at a drug/alcohol outpatient treatment center in Independence, Mo., helping to run our office in the evenings. It's a fun and interesting job which has given me a new perspective on drug use and abuse.
I LOVE animals and have two dogs, a Flemish Giant bunny, a sugar glider, and a hedgehog. I hope to write about them in the near future, too...with lots of pictures!
I raised four daughters, now ages 19 (this September) 21, 22, and 24 (this October.) I'm proud of all my girls. They are thoughtful, caring people with big hearts.
I have a beautiful granddaughter who is 3 years old. She is the light of my life. She is so smart and a natural comedian. Being a grandmother is the best thing in the world!
I hope to be successful with my Zazzle store and will continue to write about the Zazzle experience. Other articles will be coming, too!