Bad Mother Stories: Disorganised
As wonderful as I usually am (eh-erm!), sometimes the bad mother arises from the ashes, here is one of those stories with a good lesson at the end!
My Bad Mother Opening Scene
Sad little face with huge eyes looks up as I walk in to pick her up. Her mouth moves and says “Mummy, why did you not leave me any crisps?”.
Guilt washes over me as she continues. “I was very hungry”.
I look around wondering how many have heard her speak out my secret sin. And Yes, right next to me within earshot is another mum picking up her (obviously not hungry) Daughter. The lovely mum then immediately offers my daughter a pack of sweets which she handily has in her mummy bag – My mummy bag is, naturally, at home. As is my Purse so I cannot offer to buy her anything from the vending machine to make up for my sin.
How did we get here?
Rewind two and a half hours earlier...
I had dropped V and her sister, E, off for their much longed for dance classes which meant I had to wile away one hour with my littlest while waiting for E to finish and then take E home and return for V an hour and a half later. No, this dance school is not next door to my house – I feel the beginnings of Mum’s Taxi starting (Aargh!) – I have to travel up to forty minutes each way, depending on the level of traffic, but it is the dance school we all love so off we go each week.
This is however E’s first week and my first time of trying to juggle both classes.
I had intended to give V some snacky food to eat but it had simply escaped my mind when I dropped her off. Now usually I remember to supply a snack and ‘usually’, she does not eat it until she gets back in the car on the way home.
Regardless, I accept it was a mistake on my part.
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The Mistakes continue...
In fact, the Bad Mother (Me) had gone shopping with the littlest (henceforth Known as H) and vaguely intended again to pick up a snack (Of course, a healthy fruit or something! Not! More like chocolate and sugary drink – She does need the energy!) I would then drop it off when picking up E, or so the plan went. Of course, being the lovely mom that I am, I had again forgotten as soon as I spotted the ‘10 minute solution’ Exercise videos in the grocery store. (Yes, I did buy 2 of those!- They are amazing though and pretty cheap: The muscles I have gained and the weight I have lost.)
On dropping off E at home, I mentioned this forgotten snack issue to my hubby who just looked to the heavens and asked for mercy. My excuse was again that she never ate the snacks when I gave them to her anyway so she would be fine.
Of course, this time she WAS NOT fine!
And I felt guilty the whole way home where I fed her a nice pie and allowed her some ice cream and put her to bed.
Bad Mother Reflection!
As soon as you think of an issue, write it down. You are more likely to remember!
So what can I do to prevent this happening again? “Get more Organised!” Is what the hubby shouts out! What do you think?
What I have done is put a reminder on the calender function of my wonderful, amazing Samsung Galaxy S2 calendar which in turn links to my Google calender. So Now I get text reminders and a jingly reminder on my phone so that when I am packing the dance bags each week I make sure a snack goes in as well. So far, I have not forgotten again.
It is quite surprising the difference a little thing like a reminder on your calender can make. Sometimes doing one little thing, like making a record on your phone as soon as you think of something, can make the difference between forgetting an important task or not, between being a bad mother or not. :-D
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I would love your comments, What do you think?
Wow, Rowen! Don't take things so seriously!!! I don't! I have added a smiley face at the end if that makes you feel better. I like to write about things, I like to talk, sorry it offends you! :-)
It DID however teach me to record things on my lovely 'high tech' phone so I do not forget stuff even when I am busy.
Thanks for reading!
seriously? has society gotten to the point that we feel like such failures about our child being hungry for a whole hour that we make a big deal of it to our spouses, post it online, call ourselves bad parents, and come up with a high tech solution to fix this "problem"? your child didn't get junk food until an hour after she wanted it because you were busy this one time. SO FREAKING WHAT!? i can't believe this kind of website even exists. please get a serious reality check. there are children all over the world starving to death and their mothers can't do a thing about it. are they bad mommies? your grandparents can tell you all kinds of stories of far worse situations and they didn't hate their parents for it. babying your children this much is how to turn them into complete wimps who can't handle the real world.