Best alternatives to Blogger (Blogspot)

by mihgasper

What are best free alternatives to Google's Blogger with indexed and 'dofollow' links? Here is a list of best free blogging sites similar to Blogspot.

Blogger, today more known as Blogspot, is one of many properties owned by Google. Everybody with an active Google account (registered Gmail service for instance) can start blogging right away and can open many blogs with only one account. Even more - we can create blogs with multiple users, integrate Adsense, generate traffic and build a real business with no upfront costs in a relatively short amount of time.

But like other Google properties, it can be abandoned in virtually no-time. Their clumsy transition from HTTP to HTTPS standard (enforced by Google, by the way) is just one of dozens of examples of Google's handling of its own 'family'. We have recently seen how Google Plus, a powerful, yet too late born alternative to Facebook and Twitter died despite hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the project. We have seen numerous great blogging platforms (, being shut down in last years and we'll definitely see more.

It's also a well-known fact we should not carry all the eggs in one basket, so it's logic to have one blog on Blogger and open another in a different environment if we need two or more blogs for whatever reason. This is where the alternatives come handy. This post is all about alternatives. It will shortly introduce several options with their main pros and cons for unskilled users. There will also be a few examples where you can see how the result looks.

1. WordPress

This is undoubtedly the best free blogging platform on the planet. It's a bit more complicated than Blogger and you need a free account before you start. A free account can be opened with any major e-mail account. (This, by the way, is true for all other alternatives on this list.) WordPress offers many more options, including ones which are accessible only after payment (premium themes for instance), but you can create a very good blog with their free service.


This blog is a good example with close to one thousand unique visitors per day:


Which one is better?

WordPress beats Blogger hands down, any time, any place
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better than blogspot

2. Joomla!

Joomla! is a major CMS system, similar to WordPress and Drupal (this one doesn't offer free blogging services, sorry), very robust and maybe a little bit more complicated than WordPress.

Its free blogging service is solid, yet inferior to the ones offered by Wordpress and Blogger. Well, maybe inferior is not the right word - Joomla! is extremely powerful and offers even more options than Blogger.  But their system is not always user-friendly and can be too complicated for the beginner. Their transition from HTTP to HTTPS standard wasn't perfect either.

I still recommend it as a supporting blog where you can test a few things unsuitable for 'the real thing', maybe learn a few new tricks and meet some interesting people.

This is one such blog:

Unfortunately, some time ago Joomla changed the rules, all their free blogging services were moved to CloudAccess, where you needed anther account and the free option worked only if you logged at least once per 30 days.

You guessed it. I missed to log in once and my account, together with the blog, was gone forever.

3. Hatena

Hatena is a huge community in Japan, and blogging is only one of many services offered for free. Most of the commands are easily translated if you can't read Japan. It's a pretty user-friendly system, with a few drawbacks which should not be a deal-breaker, and excellent indexation (this means search engines like Hatena and your posts will be visible to the whole world soon after their publishing).

With one account you can open more than one blog and you are not limited to Hatenablog subdomain only.

Here are two examples with the same service, the same user interface, the same account, yet different web addresses and even different IPs:

4. Ameblo

Ameba is another powerful community in Japan with a lovely mixture of blogging, social media and content sharing. Originally made as a competing platform to Twitter it became a standalone service with its own identity.¸

Its special characteristic is the ability to create posts built directly on the main domain (, not on a new subdomain ( like most of other blogging services, where indexation of new blogs and building their authority and traffic usually take more time.

Ameba acts like a social and blogging platform with an integrated messaging system. It's very popular among gamers and has its own currency system and many virtual or real items/products which can be bought with virtual or real money.

Check this blog:

alternatives to blogger

5. Eklablog

France has several free blogging services of high quality as well. Two were already presented in Top 10 free blogging sites on Wizzley, but I decided to test this one (sorry, for some reason I can't make it clickable, so I used  URL shortener):

Eklablog offers a very user-friendly platform without any unnecessary functions which may be too distractive for beginners (like at WordPress). You can write text and add images without the hassle.

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6. Over-Blog

This is another free blogging service from France. Believe it or not, it's even easier to use than Eklablog. Its user interface is simple: you pick building blocks with text, images and other kinds of content. All of them together create a specific post.


Look how great it is:


In its premium version Over-blog offers a revenue sharing option as well!

Well, I have to update this info: over-blog changed its policy and all outgoing links on free services became noffollowed, so I decided to move to another service.


France is a large country and it should be no surprise to find one more free alternative to Google's Blogger. The platform looks like a bit simplified WordPress with all the major editing functions yet still very easy to use. While I initially created this blog for testing purposes, I decided to continue creating content and maybe build an authoritative blog in a very specific niche - nostalgy:

blogspot alternatives

8. Substack

This is pretty old and well-established service with straight to the point blogging options. The speciality of Substack is their very aggressive approach to subscription of readers which can stay free users or became premium members with access to premium content (if blogger offers any).

Substck is very popular among bloggers who like to comment different stuff and are generally more wordy and less personal than bloggers in most other blogging environment.

Me and my friend decided to create and experiment and opened a simple blog, based on graphics:


We'll see, if traffic comes and decide what to do next only after a few months.


I bet you didn't expect a blogging platform from Hungary on the list. It's not the biggest country in the world yet it has at least one great free blogging platform which I cordially recommend. Even if you don't understand a word of the Hungarian language, you'll understand the basics and publish your first post in no time. I decided to create a blog about everything related to the past and you can see my first posts here:


This blog worked fine for a few months but one day it was simply deleted. Without any warning or explanation, so my work was futile. Well, not exactly - I had a backup and moved on. There's plenty more fish in the sea, right?



This is far from being a complete list of free alternatives to Blogspot, Google's blogging service, but I hope I offered enough options to inspire you for creating more useful content and multiplying your audience. I promise I'll add one or two more interesting blogging alternatives in the foreseeable future.

Updated: 06/23/2023, mihgasper
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Can you add another interesting free blogging platform?

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mihgasper on 11/22/2024

It's still a work in progress. Moe urgent issues to deal with ...

DerdriuMarriner on 03/01/2024

So many thanks for thefairytales link at the end of the 8th, Substack Blogspot-alternative subheading!

There are 18 fairy tales in the alphabeticalized fairy-tale list.

Does each fairy tale have famous illustrators or is the septet whose imagery is available what inspired the famousest illustrators?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/27/2024

Thanks again for thefairytales link at the 8th-subheading ending about the Substacks alternative to Blogspot!

The Beauty and the Beast illustrations amaze me with the wide range of beastly interpretations of the fairy-tale Beast.

Perhaps the two bear examples by John Hassall (1886-1948) draw me the most because of their amiability.

Might there be any information as to which illustrator numbers as premier interpreter of beastly profiles?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/26/2024

Many thanks again for thefairytales link to the 8th, Substack Blogspot-alternative subheading!

The Charles Robinson (1870-1937) image in the Beauty and the Beast illustrations clusters a music score and two book pages.

Do we get to know what the score is and where the pages are from?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/24/2024

Many thanks again for thefairytales link that ends the 8th, Substack Blogspot-alternative subheading.

The Beauty and the Beast illustrations include one image by Eleanor Vere Boyle (1825-1916). The information beneath that image lauds that book and its images with the praise that "The quality of printing is spectacular for those times."

Might it be known what EVB did differently to stand out so in terms of image quality?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/23/2024

Thank you, as usual, for thefairytales link at the end of the 8th, Substack Blogger-alternative subheading.

The caption under the third image, by Ada Leonora Bowley (1866-1943), to the Beauty and the Beast illustrations considers that "I don’t have much information about the illustration above. Ada Leonora Bowley made most of her pictures together with her sister but this project (including several black and white drawings) seems to be her own brainchild. The pictures were created and published around 1920."

Did the black-and-white drawings depict the Beauty and the Beast?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/15/2024

Thank you for the 8th, Substack Blogger-alternative subheading with its link to thefairytales.

The Bluebeard images appear to correlate green and red with his story. John Austen and Harry Clarke associate Bluebeard attire with those two colors even as William Heath Robinson associates Bluebeard with green socks and red shoes.

Might there be some symbolism such as pursued by Tolovaj wizzleys regarding symbolic fairy-tale colors?

Red prompts the Holy Spirit firstly and foremostly for me even as it perhaps represents Bluebeard-ian anger, correct?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/14/2024

Thank you for thefairytales link that ends the 8th, Substack Blogger alternative!

The Bluebeard illustrations by John Austen and by William Heath Robinson have Bluebeard with hair hidden by roomy turbans. Only the image from Harry Clarke interprets a red-haired Bluebeard.

Is there a tradition of Bluebeard having different-colored facial and head hair?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/10/2024

Thank you for thefairytales link below the ending information to the Substack Blogger-alternative subheading.

The first image among the Bluebeard illustrations is by John Austen. The underlying caption mentions, "The key, Madam!"

Might that be the seventh wife or would Bluebeard have subjected all the previous six wives each to going away and leaving the keys with the sure suspicion that curiosity will prompt disobeying proscriptions and provoke each murder?

DerdriuMarriner on 02/09/2024

Thank you for linking the Substack Blogger alternative subheading to thefairytales.

My favorite illustrations well may be the blue-preponderant Jessie Marion King (1875-1949) image. Might there be any publishing information? Was that for a book or poster or something else?

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