Catholic Neckties for Men

by ologsinquito

These are some beautiful Catholic neckties designed by Zazzle, an online gift shop.

Many Catholics are proud of their faith, despite the fact there have been a number of scandals throughout its 2,000-year history. Jesus promised us that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, which is why we believe the Catholic Church will stand until the end of time.

If you know of a fervent and devout Catholic, he might like the neckties shown below. These are designed by Zazzle, an online gift shop that represents thousands of individual artists, who design their products and sell them through their independent Zazzle stores. So you won't find these ties in any brick-and-mortar gift shop, even a Catholic one.

All of the high-quality neckties shown below are 55-inches long and 4-inches wide at their thickest point, and made from polyester that feels like silk.

Pixabay image above by brunoabdon

Sacred Heart of Jesus Necktie

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a very popular Catholic devotion based upon a private revelation to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, a religious sister who lived in France during the 17th-century. This devotion vividly depicts the love of Christ for mankind, despite the fact we were born with original sin and must constantly fight the temptation to do evil.

When Jesus appeared to Sister Margaret Mary, whom was canonized in 1920, he told her how much he loved her, and everyone else as well. Our Lord also expressed His sadness that those He loved often returned His great gift with scorn.

Sister Margaret Mary is the person we most often associate with the Sacred Heart devotion. However, Jesus also appeared to a separate religious sisters in Portugal, who belonged to the religious order of the Good Shepherd. After these private revelations, she urged Pope Leo XIII to consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart.

The Catholic practice of going to Mass and receiving Holy Communion on nine First Fridays in a row is based upon the Sacred Heart devotion. The First Fridays are offered up to Christ in reparation for sin.

Saint Michael the Archangel Neckties

Saint Michael is one of the good angels who once defeated the fallen angels in Heaven. Right now, he is also charged with protecting the Catholic Church.

This is why many Catholics call upon him to dispel evil and the powers of darkness. There is a special prayer we say, that begins with the words, "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil."

The neckties below show two different depictions of this powerful archangel fighting the devil.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Neckties

Our Lady of Guadalupe is, undoubtedly, one of the most popular Catholic devotions, as it's spread from Central America to all around the world. People in the United States, especially in areas with large Hispanic populations, can often be seen with a Virgin of Guadalupe decal on their car.

This devotion is based upon a Church-approved apparition to a man named Juan Diego, who is now a Catholic Saint. Juan was a Native American widower who converted to the Catholic faith. One day he was walking to Mass and a beautiful woman standing a bit in the distance called his name.

She asked him to tell his bishop about this apparition. However, the bishop was not ready to believe Juan's story, until Juan went to visit him carrying beautiful roses in a cloak-like garment worn by the natives of that time. When he opened his cloak, the roses spilled out. (This would probably have been enough to convince the bishop of the veracity of his story. since roses would not be growing in the desert this time of year.) Also, his cloak was printed with a beautiful image of the Blessed Virgin. You can see an exact replica of this image in the necktie below.

Updated: 08/01/2016, ologsinquito
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