So she just turned 11 and you have no idea what to give her now that she’s a preteen with hopes and dreams of her own? Well, let us help you out! We’ve got some inspirational gifts that we’re certain will be loved by every preteen out there. The collection includes some dazzling glitter nail polish, an art journal for the aspiring little 11 year old artist, a password journal for her to keep all her secrets- after all she’s grownup and although it may be saddening to hear this, we all know that she’s not going to tell you everything- good thing she’s got her diary though! There’s also a very elegant and pretty watch to startle and amaze all her little friends.

Best Gifts for 11 Year Old Girls
by Tehreem
We have organized a great list of gifts for your 11 year old girl, who will surely adore all the given gifts
Creative Kids Glitter Nail Art
The first great gift for your 11 year old would be the Creativity for Kids Glitter Nail Art kit. It is a kit which comes with complete instructions on how to apply nail polish as well as how to apply the best and most sparkly nail polish, guaranteed to match your party outfit and dazzle all your friends!
Doodle Diary for Girls
The second amazing gift that we’ve got just for your preteen daughter is the Art Journaling for Girls paperback. It is perfect for aspiring artists and is a great way for her to keep track of all the wonderful creative ideas that pop into her head or for as something she may like to try for her special portfolio later!
Password Journal
The third lovely little present that we’ve got for your 11 year old would be the Password Journal 8. It comes as an electronic device with a hard pink cover and a spirally light blue design on it. It stays locked and can only be unlocked with a secret password. A second compartment keeps it safe in case of intruders who may have gotten to the firs compartment and an invisible ink pen ensures that all her precious little secrets stay safe at all times!
Make Your Own Cards
Tired of buying store made, ready-made cards that contain zero real affection? Well this Make your own cards by made by hands is the best kit to get creative and let your child make the prettiest, most creative looking cards with cute pop out multicolored shapes on them that stand out and look super amazing? Little time and plenty of love invested in them!
Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley
This is a sweet gift to give to the aspiring artist whose totally into Japanese art! With 30 lessons that explain how to draw Manga, which is the art the Japanese way, perfectly, this book will be sure to keep your child hooked to perfecting all the steps to the perfect Manga drawing!
Timex Kids Watch
This very feminine watch is both pretty and pink and is water resistant while easy to stay on your wrist. It also wont get ruined easy due to the protective cyrstals surrounding it which make it resistant to scratches and scars.
Beginner Lessons - Learn to dance
This is a great way for your 11 year old to both exercise and have fun at the same time- both the CDs are full of some of the finest dancing songs and steps which are extremely entertaining- we’re certain that there’ll never be a dull moment again at your place!
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The make your own cards set is a really nice idea for a Christmas gift before Christmas. Pinning it. Also pinning the manga drawing book, etc.