Best Laptop Cooling Pads

by Thamisgith

A laptop cooling pad is a great way to protect both your expensive laptop computer and all the data that's stored on it. Extend your laptop's life with a laptop cooling pad.

Laptop cooling pads are a great investment. For just a few dollars you can prolong your laptop's working life, protect your data and be more comfortable when you use your laptop.

Laptops are becoming more and more powerful these days - and that usually means that they generate more heat. That can cause your laptop to fail over time - and in extreme cases, there can even be a fire risk.

Obviously laptops are expensive purchases and you want to protect them - but don't forget about all of the data that lives on your laptop's hard drive. It would be more than inconvenient to lose that for most people.

Laptop cooling pads are an inexpensive way to protect both your hardware and data. You should really think about investing on one - and sooner rather than later.

Save Money And Protect Your Data With A Laptop Cooling Pad

targus lapchill laptop cooling padMost electrical and electronic devices die of old age - and the most common cause is thermal ageing. By keeping your devices cooler, you can prolong their working life, save money on hardware and safeguard your precious data.

As laptops become more powerful, using faster and more powerful processors, they tend to produce more heat. That can make them uncomfortable to use when they are balanced on your lap. It can also make them age faster and reduce their useful operational life.

Laptop cooling pads, most of which can be found for no more than a few dollars these days, will keep your laptop cooler, provide a stable working platform, increase your personal comfort and save you money.

There is a wide variety of different designs available, most of which will help to extend your laptop's life to some considerable extent. Be aware of the different options on offer and choose the right one for your needs.

A Stable Base For Your Laptop

Targus Lap Chill Cooler Side View
Targus Lap Chill Cooler Side View

Laptop Chill Pads - Finding The Right One For You

Given the numerous different models on offer, there's bound to be on available that suits your needs. Those needs will vary from person to person. It will depend upon what type and size of laptop you have and how you usually use it, for example.

Here are a few suggestions as to what you might want to look for in a laptop cooling pad:

  1. Effective Cooling Performance.
    Somewhat obvious perhaps, but your laptop cooler should provide good additional cooling for your laptop, thereby extending its life and making it more comfortable for you to use and operate. Some of the more simple cooling pads are nothing more than raised surface which allows air to circulate freely underneath your laptop. You would probably do better to choose one which has a fan, or fans, to provide a cooling breeze.

  2. A Flat Surface To Balance On Your Lap.
    Some laptop cooling pads have legs and others have a flat base. If you intend to use your laptop on your knee, then a flat surface will be both more stable and more comfortable in use.

  3. A Stable, Secure Base For Your Laptop.
    The upper surface of your cooling pad, upon which your laptop will rest, should also be flat and stable. Some cooling pads have rubberized mounts to keep your laptop firmly in position and allow you to work safely and securely.

  4. The Correct Size For Your Laptop.
    Another obvious one perhaps - but just as laptops vary in size, so do the cooling pads to go with them. Make sure that you pick a cooling pad that is matched to the size of your laptop.

  5. Low Noise Operation.
    If you go with a cooling pad that is equipped with a fan or fans, make sure to get one that isn't excessively noisy. Fortunately, there are plenty available that are quieter than the average laptop (which will have at least one cooling fan of its own).

  6. Use Of USB Power Source.
    If you tend to move around with your laptop and use it in a variety of different locations (which is one of the attractive things about a laptop after all), choose a cooling pad which is powered by plugging it into one of the USB ports on the laptop itself. That way you won't have any extra trailing wires and power supplies, so you'll be able to move around and relocate at will.


Targus Lap Chill Pad Demo

I use this one myself - and I'm very happy with it.

Laptop Cooling Pads Offer A Stable Platform

Targus Cooling Pad On Sofa
Targus Cooling Pad On Sofa
Updated: 09/17/2017, Thamisgith
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DerdriuMarriner on 10/23/2023

The next-last subheading, Low noise operation, under the last heading, Laptop Chill Pads - Finding The Right One For You, counsels that "If you go with a cooling pad that is equipped with a fan or fans, make sure to get one that isn't excessively noisy. Fortunately, there are plenty available that are quieter than the average laptop (which will have at least one cooling fan of its own)."

Why is it that the technology producing more powerful laptops is not coordinated with that rendering them less hazardous, particularly in terms of fires that all too often happen quicker in their harmful, terminal consequences than human actions for healthy self-protection and unscarred survival?

ologsinquito on 08/04/2013

My daughter has a laptop cooling pad, and I do believe it is extending the life of her computer, which she uses a lot. Actually, this might have even saved her computer, which started overheating a year ago.

katiem2 on 10/19/2012

My daughter needs a new laptop and a cooling pad. Can't buy one without the other if you ask me. Her last computer or laptop was an HP, they are notorious for over heating. She now has an iPad but I plan on getting her a computer laptop for her room. Great tips on laptop cooling pads. :)K

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