A homeschool needs a plentiful supply of sharpened pencils to run smoothly. But we've all had the frustration of pencils that just won't seem to sharpen without breaking or that sharpen away to nothing in an instant because of an overzealous sharpener.
I've certainly owned my share of pencil sharpeners that perform poorly. More often than not, it was my frugal nature that got the best of me. Spending 50¢ on a pencil sharpener normally gets you about 50¢ worth of value. And that's just not a lot.
I didn't want to switch to mechanical pencils, so something had to change.
When one of my frustrations as an elementary school teachers was there a lot of pencil sharpeners were actually not effective. Yours all sound good. Thanks for this!
Harkening back to my grade school days, I can tell you that a well sharpened pencil is a thing of importance. I always felt smarter when my pencil was sharp :)
I agree! There is something about a freshly sharpened, high-quality #2 pencil that feels wonderful in my hand as I map out the Spring garden and think about the right seeds to plant or even just plan my shopping list for the week.