Book Review: The Illustrated Theory of Everything by Stephen W. Hawking

by DerdriuMarriner

The Illustrated Theory of Everything by Stephen W. Hawking considers the origin and fate of the universe through seven lectures on our contracting, expanding, or steady universe.

No one theory explains how nature operates everywhere

Theoretical physicist Stephen W. Hawking (born Jan. 8, 1942) approaches the origin and fate of the universe in The Illustrated Theory of Everything, previously published as The Cambridge Lectures: Life Works.

He brings seven lectures to the scientific writing table. The septet concentrates upon:
• scientific thought addressing universe-finite or universe-infinite space and time;
• Sir Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 – March 31, 1727) and Dr. Albert Einstein (March 14, 1870 – April 18, 1955) respectively articulating gravity and relativity theories;
• stars collapsing into black holes of gravity-held light;
• stars energy-leaking out of holes;
• surfaces and times mirroring Earth's;
• time reversing in collapsing holes and universes; and
• universes role-modeling the how, when, where, and why of human, spatial, temporal existence.




In geocentric universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy, orbits of Moon, Sun and five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) circle Earth:

Outermost text reads: celum empireum habitaculum dei et omnium electorum (heavenly empire, dwelling of God and all the selected).
"Figura dos Corpos Celestes"; Bartolomeu Velho, Principio da verdadeira cosmographia e geographia unniversal de todas as terras (Paris, 1568)
"Figura dos Corpos Celestes"; Bartolomeu Velho, Principio da verdadeira cosmographia e geographia unniversal de todas as terras...

Observation of runaways in all directions favors Creation


The first lecture describes:

  • Aristotle’s (384 B.C.E. – 322 B.C.E.) and Ptolemy’s (A.D. 90 – A.D. 168) Earth-centered universe;
  • Nicolaus Copernicus’s (February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543), Johannes Kepler’s (December 27, 1571 – November 15, 1630), and Galileo Galilei’s (February 15, 1564 – January 8, 1642) sun-centered universe; and
  • Sir Isaac Newton’s gravity-tethered planets.

The second lecture elaborates:

  • Alexander Friedmann’s (June 16, 1888 – September 16, 1925) big-banged, big-crunched, big-ripped universes;
  • Edwin Hubble’s (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) far-off, fast-moving, red-shifted galaxies; and
  • Arno Penzias’s (born April 26, 1933) and Robert Wilson’s (born January 10, 1936) background-radiating, omni-directional microwaves varying 1 part in 10,000.

The third and fourth lectures follow Stephen’s and Sir Roger Penrose’s (born August 8, 1931) black hole big-banging an expanding universe. 


Collaboration between Stephen Hawking and Sir Roger Penrose (born 8 August 1931) has transformed modern understanding of the universe, especially of black holes.

black hole in front of Large Magellanic Cloud, with Cloud's image distorted by gravitational lensing, known as the Einstein Ring
simulation of black hole in front of Large Magellanic Cloud
simulation of black hole in front of Large Magellanic Cloud

Past goes back and forth near black holes


The fifth lecture guides readers through the life cycles and expectancies of a 10,000,000,000- to 20,000,000,000-year-old universe:

  • containing such collapsed and collapsing non-planets as black dwarfdom-headed white dwarfs, energy-leaking black holes, pulsating neutron stars, and radio wave-emitting quasi-stars;
  • expanding by 5 – 10% every 1,000,000,000 years; and
  • representing 1/10 and 1/100 the mass necessary to stop expansion if firstly dark plus visible matter and secondly only observable matter respectively are considered.

The sixth lecture handles the problem of imaginary time in the universe and real time among Earthlings. Imaginary time is amenable to movements backward (particularly near black hole horizons) and forward whereas the real time supportive of one-dimension time, three-dimension space runs only from past, through present, into future. 


Multiplicity of dimensions may baffle imaginations: Stephen Hawking easily conceives of 11 dimensions.

image of a two-dimensional hypersurface of the quintic Calabi-Yau three-fold
image of a two-dimensional hypersurface of the quintic Calabi-Yau three-fold

Questions all get answered provisionally by string theory


The seventh lecture judges as critical in theory unification:

  • dark/visible matter;
  • gravity-tethered bodies;
  • line-/wave-strings;
  • particles.

It keeps under consideration 10 or 26-dimensional space-time. String theory leads the way. Stephen manages thinking along 11 dimensions! 

So The Illustrated Theory of Everything nurtures culturally enriching, educationally entertaining, geo-spatially enthralling insights into the origin and fate of the universe with:

  • Greg Bacon, Dana Berry, Wolfgang Brandner, S. Brown, K. Cordes, Simon Driver, Don Figer, Karl Gebhardt, Eva K. Grebel, Bill Keel, Jon Lomberg, H. Richer, Sheila Terry, D. Wang, Rogier Windhorst, photographers;
  • Kerry DeAngelis, KL Design book designer;
  • Aimee Dow, project editor;
  • Stephen Edelman, cover designer;
  • Rob Fiore, illustration ideator;
  • Stephen Hawking, author;
  • New Millennium Press, publisher; and
  • A. Schaller, artist. 


Stephen Hawking enjoys zero gravity during flight onboard Boeing 727 aircraft owned by Zero Gravity Corporation.

Peter Diamandis (right), Zero G Corp founder, and Byron Lichtenberg (left), formerly shuttle payload specialist, now Zero G Corp president, aerially rotate Stephen Hawking, while Stephen's aide Nicola O'Brien spells.
image credit Jim Campbell, Aero-News Network (NASA); for release on 04/26/2007
image credit Jim Campbell, Aero-News Network (NASA); for release on 04/26/2007

Acknowledgment: Reality has causes and reasons for birthing universes


My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


In geocentric universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy, orbits of Moon, Sun and five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) circle Earth:
Outermost text reads: celum empireum habitaculum dei et omnium electorum (heavenly empire, dwelling of God and all the selected).
"Figura dos Corpos Celestes"; Bartolomeu Velho, Principio da verdadeira cosmographia e geographia unniversal de todas as terras (Paris, 1568): Joaquim Alves Gaspar (Alvesgaspar), Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @

Collaboration between Stephen Hawking and Sir Roger Penrose (born 8 August 1931) has transformed modern understanding of the universe, especially of black holes.
black hole in front of Large Magellanic Cloud, with Cloud's image distorted by gravitational lensing, known as the Einstein Ring
simulation of black hole in front of Large Magellanic Cloud: Alain r, CC BY SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons @

Multiplicity of dimensions may baffle imaginations: Stephen Hawking easily conceives of 11 dimensions.
image of a two-dimensional hypersurface of the quintic Calabi-Yau three-fold: Jbourjai, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @

Stephen Hawking enjoys zero gravity during flight onboard Boeing 727 aircraft owned by Zero Gravity Corporation.
Peter Diamandis (right), Zero G Corp founder, and Byron Lichtenberg (left), formerly shuttle payload specialist, now Zero G Corp president, aerially rotate Stephen Hawking, while Stephen's aide Nicola O'Brien spells.
image credit Jim Campbell, Aero-News Network (NASA); for release on 04/26/2007: NASA Kennedy Media Archive, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @

Stephen Hawking enjoys zero gravity during flight onboard Boeing 727 aircraft owned by Zero Gravity Corporation.
Peter Diamandis (right), Zero G Corp founder, and Byron Lichtenberg (left), formerly shuttle payload specialist, now Zero G Corp president, aerially rotate Stephen Hawking, while Stephen's aide Nicola O'Brien spells.
image credit Jim Campbell, Aero-News Network; for release on 04/26/2007: NASA Kennedy Media Archive, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @

Black holes have beguiled such astrophysical geniuses as Albert Einstein and Stephen W. Hawking.
Visualization of Einstein's general theory of relativity: Simulation of three-dimensional merging black holes by crunching Einstein's theory into NASA supercomputer constitutes largest astrophysical calculation ever performed on NASA supercomputer.
Columbia supercomputer, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Santa Clara County, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California: Christopher Henze/NASA, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @; via NASA Goddard Space Flight Center @


Sources Consulted: Space-time indicates nothing about big-banged cycles and precedents


Hawking, Stephen W. 2003. The Illustrated Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe. Beverly Hills, CA: New Millennium Press. 


Black holes have beguiled such astrophysical geniuses as Albert Einstein and Stephen W. Hawking.

Visualization of Einstein's general theory of relativity: Simulation of three-dimensional merging black holes by crunching Einstein's theory into NASA supercomputer constitutes largest astrophysical calculation ever performed on NASA supercomputer.
Columbia supercomputer, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Santa Clara County, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California
Columbia supercomputer, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Santa Clara County, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California
the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

The Illustrated Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe by Stephen W. Hawking ~ Kindle, hardcover, and paperback editions ~ Available via Amazon

Stephen W. Hawking is widely believed to be one of the world’s greatest minds: a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work helped to reconfigure models of the universe and to redefine what’s in it.
Stephen Hawking writings

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DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 01/03/2025

String theory invites introspection and investigation, particularly with some unusual configurations of our universe, doesn't it?

Dr. Hawking is one of my first two choices, tied for first place, for any astrophysics-illuminating publications even as Dr. Brian May, also of Queen, is the other ;-D.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/30/2024

Thank you, Hollie, for stopping by and visiting Dr. Stephen Hawking's legacy via this wizzley.

Me too, I find string theory a bit frustrating even as Dr. Hawking furnishes us fruitful ways to fight that personal and professional fulfillment not formed -- like him! -- by fluent astrophysics.

Isn't it impressive that Dr. Hawking is able to imagine at least 11 dimensions?

HollieT on 09/29/2024

I love Stephen Hawking! I have often grappled with String Theory and been unable to quite get my head around it but Dr Hawking had a really easy writing style and was also excellent at interpreting complex scientific theory for the masses.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/27/2024

This book review is, since Wednesday, March 14, 2018, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Stephen Hawking (Jan. 8, 1942-Mar 14, 2018), with thanks for all the astrophysical truths that he manifested as simple truths for household-word-recognition understanding.

DerdriuMarriner on 07/27/2015

CruiseReady, All of Stephen Hawking's books are worth having on the shelves. He knows how to write for all levels of familiarity and non-familiarity. They generally average 150+ pages of comprehensible examples and understandable explanations by the world's most eminent astrophysicist on black holes, neutron stars, and quasars.

CruiseReady on 07/24/2015

Hmmm ,,, Now, I am thinking that this book needs to be added to my library. Or more accurately, that my library needs to have this book added to it!

DerdriuMarriner on 05/23/2015

MBC, The book is definitely worth reading. Stephen Hawking's amiable personality comes through via his engaging style.

MBC on 05/23/2015

I saw the movie the Theory of Everything - it was fantastic! I'm sure the book is worth reading.

DerdriuMarriner on 04/06/2015

Mira, It's admirable that Stephen Hawking is willing to revise in favor of clarity and to correct errors in theory. I have read so many of his writings, and all of them are enlightening. I recommend this book!

Mira on 04/06/2015

I may read this book, too, even though apparently after writing this book he changed his views . . . again! :) Still, it would be interesting even as an exercise. It's amazing how we live on a tiny planet in this whole (mostly) unknown and poorly understood universe.

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