Boot Camp Workout DVDs
If you love working out at home and enjoy using workout DVDs, then you will likely have heard of Billy Blanks Tae Bo. Here's why it's so effective...
What is Tae Bo and why does it work?
The ultimate boot camp workout reviewed!
If you are a fan of workout DVDs, like I am, then you have probably looked into finding the most effective workout to burn calories, blast fat and get you into overall great shape. Well, the great news is that you can get all of those benefits if you choose wisely and the census is in that Boot Camp workouts are some of the most highly effective on the market.
The king of boot camp style workouts is Billy Blanks. He has been around for donkeys years and he has perfected the art of blending high energy cardio with sculpting moves in his tough and effective workout series Tae Bo. There are a huge number of Tae Bo DVDs available, as he has been making them for abou 20 years, but they are all based on the same thing - getting your heart rate up and making you sweat away the pounds!
Once you have mastered the classic Tae Bo moves then you will be able to kick, punch and jump your way to that slim, toned body you have been dreaming of. Billy Blanks's boot camp workouts won't build bulky muscle, they will just help you to shed the fat and get lean and defined.
Billy Blanks is an awesome instructor, who doesn't boggle you with difficult choreography. He keeps it simply and effective so that anyone can follow along. He is highly motivational and quirky and really makes the workout fly past because you are having so much fun. The music in his DVDs is always upbeat and current and the boot camp team with their colourful outfits and awesome physiques really get you pumped working along side them.
Overall, you can't go past Billy Blanks Tae Bo if you are looking for boot camp style workouts that burn some major calories and whip you into shape quick smart!
Top help you choose, which workout is for you here are some reviews and vids. Happy Boot-camping!
Tae Bo Amped Rockin' Abs, Buns and Sculpt Express DVD
A 3 Workout Package that will burn fat and get you toned FAST!
If you are looking to get more bang for your buck then the Tae Bo Amped workout series is for you. This is an awesome collection of workouts that will tone and burn fat off every part of your body.
There are three workouts, one targetting your lower body, one for your upper body and one for your abs. They are all about 40-45 minutes long so can be incorporated into most time schedules. Each workout has a warm up, main section and cool down. They all contain cardio work so that you are getting benefits of both fat burning and toning.
The workouts are designed to be accompanied by a piece of specialised Tae Bo equipment called the Amped Bar. Basically it is a weighted bar that can be utilized at three different lengths, the main aim being to add intensity to your workout and to help with form as the bar restricts certain movements. If yo do not wish to purchase it, however, the workout is equally effective when done with hand weights instead of the Amped Bar.
The fast pace of these workouts will get your heart rate up, but because the moves are not easy to master all fitness levels will enjoy them. If you commit to doing these workout 3-5 times a week you will definitely see some awesome results! Watch tge clip below to see what u think!
Billy's Bootcamp Elite 3 Workouts Set
Take Boot camp workouts to another level!
Billy's Boot-camp Elite is a 3 workout set that includes a basic boot camp workout to get you started, a more advanced boot camp workout for once you have mastered the moves and an awesome abs boot camp that will whittle away that waist in no time. Once again, a combination of cardio and toning moves, these workouts are highly effective for weight loss and muscle sculpting.
The workouts are designed to be used with a specialised piece of Tae Bo equipment called the Billy Bands. They are resistance bands specifically designed to loop over each foot and have comfortable, weighted hand grips so that you can punch and kick without them falling off. The workouts can be done without the bands or using hand and/or ankle weights instead. The other option is to tie loops for your feet in the ends of regular resistance bands.
The workouts are high energy and heaps of fun, and best of all they will give you results if you stick with them. Familiar moves such as shoulder press, bicep curls, squat thrusts and kicks that are guaranteed to build a strong mind and body. The ab workout is particularly good, it will help you get the sculpted, chiseled tummy you always wanted with this incredible routine that incorporates isolation moves and a floor routine.
Have a look at the clip to see for yourself!
Billy's Bootcamp Basic And Ultimate 2 Workout Set
An awesome Boot-camp workout set that will kick your butt and make you sweat!
This 2 workout set will give you the ultimate boot camp body. Billy's army sargent instructional style will keep you motivated as he kicks your butt through drill after drill. Your heart rate will be high and the sweat will be dripping off your body as you blast away that fat and burn somemajor calories.
The first workout is called basic bootcamp, but don't be fooled. It may be basic in that it doesn't contain any tough choreography, but the compound moves are highly effective and will leave you sore the next day.
The Ultimate Boot camp workout is in my opinion one of Billy's toughest workouts. It incorporates cardio and toning to work all your major muscle groups and keep your heart pumping.
Both workouts utilize the Billy Bands, however, in these workouts they are the non-weighted version. Once again, these workouts are just as effective when done with hand and/or ankle weights instead.
Watch the clip below to see why Billy Blanks is the king of boot camp training!
Billy's Bootcamp Basic And Ultimate 2 Workout Set
Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVDs on my Blog
Billy Boot-camp Elite 3 Workout Sets
Tae Bo Amped Rockin Abs, Buns and Sculpt Express
Tae Bo 30 Power Rounds
Tae Bo Ultimate Deluxe Edition
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