Buy Didgeridoo
When you buy a Didgeridoo you will want to know more than just the price. Find out why playing a Didgeridoo is so good for your health!
Quality Hand Crafted 52" Teak Didgeridoo
![]() | Didgeridoo, Percussion Instrument, Aboriginal Painted, Teak Wood- 52" Handcarved from teak wood and then embellished with traditional painted designs, these woodwind instruments are the world's oldest wind instrument, origins going back as ... |
Buy A Didgeridoo or Make One?
To Buy A Didgeridoo or to make a didgeridoo - that is the question.
To produce this amazing musical instrument, you just need a hollowed out section of timber. For example, when termites feed on the centre of the branch or trunk of a Eucalyptus tree, a didgeridoo can be created from it. They vary in width and length, because the all-natural sections of timber can be found in various sizes.
Once the bark and also the termites are removed, the instrument is able to be played. Naturally accessible beeswax is used on the edge of the mouthpiece end to soften it. It is then beautifully decorated in a variety of aboriginal art work, with ochre and selection of organic dyes if you have access to them.
Needless to say for most people, obtaining a acceptable section of Eucalyptus tree branch which is in the process of decay, and being assisted by termites, is not a practical task by any stretch of the imagination. Thankfully we can now all purchase ready made didgeridoos of very high quality and outstanding design features without travelling to the Outback of Australia.
Buy Didgeridoos From Amazon
Buy A New Age Instrument - The Didgeridoo
The Didgeridoo is a popular New Age musical instrument.
The northern Australian Aboriginal wind instrument known in English as the didgeridoo is enjoying world-wide popularity. It's been caught up in the wave of curiosity within the new audio category referred to as world music. Acquired as being a magical symbol by New Age movements, its competence shown as being a badge of identification by Aboriginal adult males throughout Australia.
A contemporary didgeridoo is generally round or conical in form and will measure between 1-3 meters (3.2 ft to 9.8 ft) long with many musical instruments measuring close to 1.2 metres (3.9 ft). The length is proportional to the half sound wavelength in the keynote. Usually, the longer the instrument, the lower the frequency or key from the instrument. Keys from D to F sharp would be the favored pitch of traditional Aboriginal people.
The didgeridoo may also be referred to as an all natural solid wood trumpet or "drone pipe". Musicologists categorize it as being an aerophone. Didgeridoos are members of the music, restorative healing and ceremonial culture of the aboriginal peoples of Australia. Conventional playing is combined with touching out soft rhythms to the sides of the instrument while it's being performed. Even louder tempos may be accomplished by clapping sticks together.
Spiritual Didgeridoo Music On C.D.
![]() | Didgeridoo Dreaming: Spiritual Music of the Australian AboriginesOnly $11.88 |
![]() | Rainbow Serpent: Music For Didgeridoo & Percussion Rainbow Serpent is one of the most important recordings of Australian Aboriginal music ever made. David Hudson, master of the Aboriginal instrument known as the didgeridoo, ... |
![]() | Didgeridoo Meditations - Phil Shiva Jones [CD] New Age/Raga Rock/Trance Dance/World Beat/Meditative style music CD-R from Phil Shiva Jones of 60's band Quintessence and Phil Jones & the Unknown Blues Band Only $13.97 |
Buy A Didgeridoo For Your Health
Get A Workout From Playing The Dideridoo
Playing didgeridoo can also be a really actual physical task. It will require continuous motion from the muscle groups that control the abdomen, diaphragm, cheek, tongue and mouth area. Whilst actively playing this instrument should not call for over exercise, the time and effort necessary to circular inhale and exhale whilst preserving quick, pulsing tempos is sufficient to have the bloodstream flowing extremely well. As a result, continual didgeridoo playing could be a fantastic, very low impact cardio workout.
Before You Buy A Didgeridoo - The Facts
About the Didgeridoo.
A didgeridoo is really a lengthy solid wood trumpet-like instrument as used by the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. An authentic didgeridoo is constructed of a hollowed out solid wood branch that has a beeswax mouth piece. It is relatively easy to carry around, and is approximately the same length as a guitar.
Some people learn to play this musical instrument very easily, but for others it takes some practice to master the art. Either way it's a lot of fun. The didgeridoo is performed with continually moving lip area to create the drone sound while using a unique inhaling and exhaling method known as circular breathing. This involves inhaling via the nostril while at the same time expelling air out from the mouth while using the tongue and cheeks.
By using this method, a competent person can re-supply the oxygen inside their lungs, along with practice can maintain a key note for as long as desired. It is possible for accomplished players to play constantly for over 40 minutes, Mark Atkins on Didgeridoo Concerto (1994) plays continuously for more than 50 minutes.
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Hi Katiem2, I had never thought of using a didgeridoo as a focal point, but what a great idea!
The dideridoo is such a cool instrument and they are so beautiful making a nice focal point to a room. I love the dideridoo thanks for bringing this piece of art to our attention.
Hi Jewelsofawe. I think the unusual sound is what makes them so popular. It's certainly very unique. Great to watch too.
These are cool! I have seen people using them on tv